![All Things Elder Scrolls Online](../images/titleESO.jpg)
Guilds and Glory Celebration 2024
Quick Index:
- How to Begin Your Festival Journey and Get Tickets
This event will run in January 18th at 10:00am EST to January 30th 2024 at 9:59am EST.
The following zones and instances are included in this festival:
- Gold Coast + Dark Brotherhood
- Hew's Bane + Thieves Guild
- Orsinium
- Imperial City
- Imperial City Prison
- Maelstrom Arena
- Maw of Lorkhaj
- White-Gold Tower
★ Obtaining Tickets:
1. Complete one Daily Quest in one of the following areas to receive Two Tickets:
- Gold Coast Anvil and Kvatch Bounty Board daily quests
- Dark Brotherhood Black Sacrament and Contract daily quests
- Thieves Guild Heist Board, Recquisition Board, and Tip Board daily quests
- Imperial City daily quests
- Wrothgar delve and world boss daily quests
- Maw of Lorkhaj weekly trial quest in Reaper's March
- Maelstrom Arena final bossin Wrothgar
- Imperial City Prison final boss in Imperial City
- White-Gold Tower final boss in Imperial City
- Kill and loot an Imperial City District Sweeper
- Kill and loot an Imperial City Coldharbour Elite Guard in the sewers
2. You get no more than Two Tickets total per account each day.
3. You do have the option to purchase Event Tickets for Crowns from the Crown Store for Crowns.
★ What additional event bonuses are being offered?
- Daily quests beyond the first in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Delve and World Bosses in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Public Dungeon Bosses in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- The final boss of Imperial City Prison gives a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- The final boss of Maelstrom Arena gives a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- The final boss of White-Gold Tower gives a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- District Sweepers in Imperial Citygive a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Coldharbour Elite Guards of the Imperial City sewers give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Pickpocketing NPCs in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Random enemies in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Containers (Barrels, Backpacks, Crates, etc.) in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Psijic Portals in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Resource Nodes (excluding Fishing) in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Thieves Troves in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Safeboxes in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Treasure Chests in the participating areas give a chance to receive an additional purple reward box.
- Daily quests in the participating areas produce extra loot.
- Bosses in the participating areas produce extra loot.
- Resource Nodes produce extra materials.
The gold Glorious Coffer is a golden box awarded once per day per account for completing your first daily in either Gold Coast, Hew's Bane, or Wrothgar, or by completing the Maw of Lorkhaj weekly quest. These give the same loot as the purple Boxes do, only there is a better chance to receive the more rare rewards with them.
A second gold Glorious Coffer may be awarded once per day per account for completing Imperial City Prison, Maelstrom Arena, or White-Gold Tower.
There is a chance to receive a third gold Glorious Coffer once per day per account after killing a Coldharbour Elite Guard in Imperial City.
The purple Glorious Coffer is awarded for any subsequent daily completed on your account after the first one from the Gold Coast, Hew's Bane, Wrothgar, or Maw of Lorkhaj. These also have a chance of dropping from other Event Bonus sources.
You might obtain the following rewards in one of these boxes:
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter [NEW]
- Style Page: Maelstrom (Weapons)
- Style Page: Tools of Domination
- Motif Page: Abah's Watch (Hew's Bane Boxes)
- Motif Page: Aldmeri Dominion (Imperial City Boxes)
- Motif Page: Ancient Orc (Wrothgar Boxes)
- Motif Page: Assassins League (Gold Coast Boxes)
- Motif Page: Daggerfall Covenant (Imperial City Boxes)
- Motif Page: Dark Brotherhood (Gold Coast Boxes)
- Motif Page: Ebonheart Pact (Imperial City Boxes)
- Motif Page: Malacath (Wrothgar Boxes)
- Motif Page: Minotaur (Gold Coast Boxes)
- Motif Page: Order of the Hour (Gold Coast Boxes)
- Motif Page: Outlaw (Hew's Bane Boxes)
- Motif Page: Thieves Guild (Hew's Bane Boxes)
- Motif Page: Trinimac (Wrothgar Boxes)
- Motif Page: Xivkyn (Imperial City Boxes)
- Crafting materials found in the participating areas
- Crafting Recipes from participating areas
- Set items from participating areas
- Companion Gear
- Surveys
- Treasure Maps
- Imperial City Keys
- Tel Var Stones
- Miscellaneous Treasure (to be sold to merchants)
Note: The missing motif images will be added in the near future. This is why they are not linked in the index at the top of the page.
★ Bristleback Hunter Style
![Bristleback Hunter Style](images/style_BristlebackHunter.jpg)
★ Maelstrom (Weapons) Style
![Maelstrom Weapons Style](images/style_MaelstromWeapons.jpg)
★ Tools of Domination Style
![Tools of Domination Style](images/style_ToolsDomination.jpg)
★ Abah's Watch Motif
![Abah's Watch Armor Motif](images/style_AbahsWatchArmor.jpg)
![Abah's Watch Weapons Motif](images/style_AbahsWatchWeapons.jpg)
★ Aldmeri Dominion Motif
![Aldmeri Dominion Armor Motif](images/style_AldmeriArmor.jpg)
![Aldmeri Dominion Weapons Motif](images/style_AldmeriWeapons.jpg)
★ Ancient Orc Motif
![Ancient Orc Armor Motif](images/style_AncientOrcArmor.jpg)
![Ancient Orc Weapons Motif](images/style_AncientOrcWeapons.jpg)
★ Assassins League Motif
![Assassins League Armor Motif](images/style_AssassinsLeagueArmor.jpg)
![Assassins League Weapons Motif](images/style_AssassinsLeagueWeapons.jpg)
★ Daggerfall Covenant Motif
![Daggerfall Covenant Armor Motif](images/style_DaggerfallArmor.jpg)
![Daggerfall Covenant Weapons Motif](images/style_DaggerfallWeapons.jpg)
★ Dark Brotherhood Motif
![Dark Brotherhood Armor Motif](images/style_DarkBrotherhoodArmor.jpg)
![Dark Brotherhood Weapons Motif](images/style_DarkBrotherhoodWeapons.jpg)
★ Ebonheart Pact Motif
![Ebonheart Pact Armor Motif](images/style_EbonheartArmor.jpg)
![Ebonheart Pact Weapons Motif](images/style_EbonheartWeapons.jpg)
★ Malacath Motif
![Malacath Armor Motif](images/style_MalacathArmor.jpg)
![Malacath Weapons Motif](images/style_MalacathWeapons.jpg)
★ Minotaur Motif
![Minotaur Armor Motif](images/style_MinotaurArmor.jpg)
![Minotaur Weapons Motif](images/style_MinotaurWeapons.jpg)
★ Order of the Hour Motif
![Order of the Hour Armor Motif](images/style_OrderHourArmor.jpg)
![Order of the Hour Weapons Motif](images/style_OrderHourWeapons.jpg)
★ Outlaw Motif
![Outlaw Armor Motif](images/style_OutlawArmor.jpg)
★ Thieves Guild Motif
![Thieves Guild Armor Motif](images/style_ThievesGuildArmor.jpg)
![Thieves Guild Weapons Motif](images/style_ThievesGuildWeapons.jpg)
★ Xivkyn Motif
![Xivkyn Armor Motif](images/style_XivkynArmor.jpg)
![Xivkyn Weapons Motif](images/style_XivkynWeapons.jpg)
The Impressario will have the following special items available for purchase with tickets:
- Anchor Chain Fragment - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Dark Anchor Pinion - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Effigy of the Dominator - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Crematory Ash - 10 tickets each {Planemeld's Master Markings}
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Arm Cops - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Belt - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Boots - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Bracers - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Guards - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Helmet - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Jack - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Skin: Soul-Shriven - 10 tickets each
- Pet: Stonefire Scamp - 10 tickets each
- Companion Rank : Companion Fighter's Guild Commendation
- Companion Rank: Companion Mages Guild Commendation
- Companion Rank: Companion Undaunted Guild Commendation
- Impressario's Group Repair Kit - 2 tickets each
Special Note Concerning the Companion Commendations: First introduced during the 2022 Zeal of Zenithar event, these Commendations will advance a single companion up one rank in the chosen guild. You must have the chosen companion out when you purchase these. For example, if I wish to advance Bastian's Mages Guild rank from rank 4 to rank 6, I will need to bring Bastian out and then purchase the Companion Mages Guild Commendation twice for a total of 10 tickets.
Introducing Nenulaure, the brand new Indrik Vendor! Located at the festival tents area in Belkarth, Craglorn, Nenulaure is here to help you obtain those Indrik Mounts and Pets.
This vendor will only appear during Events when the Impressario is in town.
Past fragments and berries required to obtain those Mounts, as well as past Indrik pets, will be on offer in a seasonal cycle. Here is how that will work:
- During the Spring, all berries for the Dawnwood and Spectral Indriks are on offer.
- During the Spring, the Springtide Indrik pet and Haunting Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Summer, all berries for the Luminous and Icebreath Indriks are on offer.
- During the Summer, the Shimmering Indrik pet and Rimedusk Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, all berries for the Onyx and Mossheart Indriks are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, the Ebon-Glow Indrik pet and Sapling Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, all berries for the Pure Snow and Crimson Indriks are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, the Frost-Light Indrik pet and Rosethorn Indrik pet are on offer.
All berries and pets available will cost 10 tickets each.
Nascent Indrik Feathers will always be available through her, no matter the season, for 5 tickets each.
Unlike in the past, there will not be an offering of all Indriks during the New Life Festival.
If you miss all of the berries you need, fear not, for the vendor will be around again the following year.
![Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet](images/pet_MolagBalIllusionImp.jpg)
The Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet is the very first new special item added in 2024 via the Impressario during events.
To obtain one, you have to purchase a total of three fragments from the Impressario for five tickets each.
- Anchor Chain Fragment
- Dark Anchor Pinion
- Effigy of the Dominator
Once you have all of them purchased, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.
If you wish to retain the pet as well as obtain one of the morphs from it, you will need to complete one of these pets again. Each time you create a new morph, you will use one of these pets as part of the process.
![Planemeld's Master Markings](images/skin_PlanemeldsMaster.jpg)
These markings are the first morph of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet of 2024. You will need the following pieces to create this morph:
- A completed Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet
- Crematory Ash [NEW!]
- Incandescent Brimstone [Not Yet Available]
- Seething Censer [Not Yet Available]
To obtain the three Planemeld's Master fragments, you need to purchase the appropriate items from the Impressario for 10 tickets each when they become available and combine them.
To combine them, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.