All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daily Quest Offerings for the Thieves Guild

Updated February 13, 2024


Unlock Thieves Guild Heist Board Daily Quests:

You must be level 5 before you can complete any Thieves Guild quests.

To unlock access to the Thieves Guild Heist Board dailies, you must have access to the Thieves Guild DLC. Complete the following steps to unlock the daily quests:

  1. Complete the first Thieves Guild main story quest, Partners in Crime. This is given by Quen, who is standing near the Abah's Landing Wayshrine. When you come across the Tumbler puzzle that is the entrance to the Treasury inside Fulstrom Homestead, look atop the dresser for a clue on how to solve the puzzle. Turn the left tumbler so that the Horn is on top. Turn the middle tumbler so that the Hammer (it is supposed to be a candle) is on top. Turn the right tumbler so that the Skull is on top. Completion of this quest results in you becoming a member of the Thieves Guild.

  2. Complete the second Thieves Guild main story quest, Cleaning House, which is given by Andarri inside the Thieves Den.

  3. Complete the third Thieves Guild main story quest, The Long Game, which is given by Andarri inside the Thieves Den. Prior to Update 39, this required that you be Rank 3. This is no longer the case.

  4. Complete the Master of Heists quest. This is given by a Note From Velsa posted to where the Heist Board sits inside the Theves Den.

Unlock Thieves Guild Reacquisition Board Daily Quests:

Your character must be level 5 before you can complete any Thieves Guild daily quests.

To unlock access to the Thieves Guild Reacquisition Board dailies, you must have accecss to the Thieves Guild DLC and do the following:

  1. Complete the first Thieves Guild main story quest, Partners in Crime. This is given by Quen, who is standing near the Abah's Landing Wayshrine. When you come across the Tumbler puzzle that is the entrance to the Treasury inside Fulstrom Homestead, look atop the dresser for a clue on how to solve the puzzle. Turn the left tumbler so that the Horn is on top. Turn the middle tumbler so that the Hammer (it is supposed to be a candle) is on top. Turn the right tumbler so that the Skull is on top. Completion of this quest results in you becoming a member of the Thieves Guild.

  2. Complete the quest called The Sailor's Pipe, given by Spencer Rye inside the Thieves Den. This is the exact same quest later given out on the Reaquisition board outside of the Thieves Den.

Unlock Thieves Guild Tip Board Daily Quests:

Your character must be level 5 before you can complete any Thieves Guild daily quests.

To unlock access to the Thieves Guild Tip Board dailies, you must have accecss to the Thieves Guild DLC do the following:

  1. Complete the first Thieves Guild main story quest, Partners in Crime. This is given by Quen, who is standing near the Abah's Landing Wayshrine. When you come across the Tumbler puzzle that is the entrance to the Treasury inside Fulstrom Homestead, look atop the dresser for a clue on how to solve the puzzle. Turn the left tumbler so that the Horn is on top. Turn the middle tumbler so that the Hammer (it is supposed to be a candle) is on top. Turn the right tumbler so that the Skull is on top. Completion of this quest results in you becoming a member of the Thieves Guild.

  2. Complete the quest called The Cutpurse's Craft, which is given by the Tip Board inside the Thieves Den.


Thieves Guild Heist Board Daily Quests:

These quests are given by the Heist Board in the Hews Bane Thieves Den. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them.

You have eight minutes to complete all objectives. The timer begins the moment you open the door. If you do not beat the timer, you will automatically fail the bonus objective.

The guards carry lanterns that reveal you if you are hidden. If you are where the guard can see you when the lantern light falls over you, the guard will spot you.

If you get spotted by anyone, your timer is reduced. Each time an NPC catches you, it is reduced further.

You may use the Hiding Spot baskets to hide from your pursuers, which causes them to forget you are there.

You must make it back to Fah'ren-dar before your time completes in order to receive a better reward.

You may receive one of the following quests:

  • Heist: Deadhollow Halls: Steal three daedric treasures in the Halls.

  • Heist: Glittering Grotto: Steal seven gemstones in the Grotto.

  • Heist: The Hideaway: Steal three cache box items and a hidden treasure in the Hideaway.

  • Heist: Secluded Sewers: Steal three cache box items and a cask of Summer Skooma in the Sewers.

  • Heist: Underground Sepulcher: Steal three cache box items and a hidden treasure in the Sepulcher.

The Thieves Guild Motif has a chance to drop from Heist Daily Professional Thief's Satchel of Laundered Goods reward boxes in the Thieves Guild of Hew's Bane. These boxes are obtained by completing the highest level of the Heist (aka all requirements).

Thieves Guild Reaquisition Board Daily Quests:

These quests are given by the Reaquisition Board in the Hews Bane Thieves Den. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them:

  • The Lost Pearls: Retrieve pearls by killing lamia and a tarnished silver pendant from a damaged sack at Ko Estaran.

  • Memories of Youth: Retrieve an engagement ring from the Bahraha's Gloom delve.

  • The Sailor's Pipe: Obtain the sailor's pipe from the Shark's Teeth Grotto delve.

  • Thrall Cove: Rescue captives and obtain the captain's spyglass from a ditty bag at Thrall Cove.

Thieves Guild Tip Board Daily Quests. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them:

These quests are given by the Justiciar Board in the Hews Bane Thieves Den. If you do not like the quest you received, you can drop it to try for a different one.:

  • The Covetous Countess: Steal or find three treasures of either the Games, Dolls, or Statues treasure types. You will need to launder them before turning the quest in.

  • Crime Spree: Break into one safebox in each of the three locations across Tamriel you are given. You can return after only completing one or two of the locations, but your reward will be lessened as a result.

  • Idle Hands: Pickpocket three Craft Supplies or any ten Treasures in each of the three different locations you are given across Tamriel. You can return after only completing one or two of the locations, but your reward will be lessened as a result.

  • Plucking Fingers: Pickpocket three Entertainment Goods or any ten Treasures in each of the three different locations you are given across Tamriel. You can return after only completing one or two of the locations, but your reward will be lessened as a result.

  • Under Our Thumb: Pickpocket three Personal Effects or any ten Treasures in each of the three different locations you are given across Tamriel. You can return after only completing one or two of the locations, but your reward will be lessened as a result.

The Abah's Watch Motif has a chance to drop from Tip Board Daily Large Laundered Shipment reward boxes in the Thieves Guild of Hew's Bane.

Map of Quest Giver Locations

Map of Abah's Landing Quest Giver Locations

Map of Thieves Guild Quest Giver Locations


Abah's Watch Motif

The Abah's Watch Motif has a chance to drop from Tip Board Daily Large Laundered Shipment in the Thieves Guild of Hew's Bane:

Abahs Watch Armor Motif

Abahs Watch Weapons Motif

Thieves Guild Motif

The Thieves Guild Motif has a chance to drop from Heist Daily Professional Thief's Satchel of Laundered Goods rewards in the Thieves Guild of Hews Bane:

Thieves Guild Armor Motif

Thieves Guild Weapons Motif