All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Kor


Kor is a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Though this Nord is definitely known for his anger issues, his protection over Hildegard shows that he can love, too.


Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 2,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

* This houseguest is purchased in a pair with another, Hildegarde.

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Always enjoyed fighting. That's why I originally became a soldier. But soldiering turns out to be more about standing around and waiting than fighting. So I moved on to a different profession."

  • "As much as I try, I'm not really the sneaky type. Oh, I can be invisible in the forest when I'm hunting a rabbit, but sneaking up on someone marked by the Sacrament? No, I'm more of a rush-in-and-crack-your-skull kind of guy. It gets the job done!"

  • "A day in the Dark Brotherhood is a lot like anyone else's. Wake up, eat breakfast, get to work. Sure, not everyone slays in service to our Dark Father, but otherwise it's about the same."

  • "Ever heard of this Morag Tong? Sounds to me like they're just in it for the money. Sending souls into the Void gives me a higher purpose beyond simple profit. Though, I wouldn't mind buying that Naryu a mead or three. She's a looker!"

  • "Good to see you again, Silencer. Always pleasant to visit with a member of the family! Well, for the most part. Elam can be a bit draining to spend time with. Very judgmental. And let's not talk about Speaker Terenus. He scares me."

  • "Hildegard's around here somewhere, looking for the privy. I hope she finds it. In her werewolf form, she's not too choosy about where she answers nature's call."

  • "Hildegard's family treated her horribly. I've seen many families act that way. Well, not the drinking the blood of were-beasts part, but you know what I mean. Despite our flaws, our family looks out for each other. Don't forget that, Silencer."

  • "I am Kor! Hunter, soldier, brother to Hildegard by love if not by blood. And I happen to be part of a larger family. A dark brotherhood, you might say. But if you mention a word about such things, I'd have to kill you. Seriously."

  • "I know. Scares the torchbugs out of the haystacks every time!"

  • "I never had a family. A birth family, I mean. Raised in an orphanage. But meeting little Hilde changed that. She became the sister I always wanted. Then we joined the Brotherhood and gained a new family. We even bicker like real blood relatives!"

  • "I once fought with a fellow for three whole days. We began with swords. Those broke on the first night, so we picked up short blades. When they shattered on the second night, we used our fists. I won, of course. Still, I respect his effort."

  • "I wandered alone through the forests a lot as a child. Learned valuable hunting skills. Hunger is great inspiration for teaching you how to catch food. Now I use those skills for other reasons. And I get my food from the market same as everyone else."

  • "If you ever find yourself on the run from mercenaries, take my advice. Get yourself a vicious werewolf as a traveling companion. Once word gets out, the sellswords tend to leave you alone."

  • "If you see anyone making eyes at my little sister, let me know. Hilde is much too busy and much too werewolf to get involved in any romantic entanglements right now. Just don't tell her I said that. She hates it when I scare off potential suitors."

  • "Kvatch is fine as far as cities are concerned. I can't stand all the people, though. Too much banging and clanging. Give me a quiet cave or an empty forest any day. And yes, I see the irony."

  • "A lot of Nords try their hand at music or poetry. It's an honored tradition, but I can't carry a tune. Doesn't stop me, though! My friend Mirrabelle complained that the sound of my voice was killing her. I took that as a compliment."

  • "My associate Elam thinks he's an excellent vossa-satl player, but we all know the truth. He's not that great. And the sanctuary's echoes make it worse. I would never discourage him, though. He's trying and I respect that."

  • "My targets often flee when we arrive to deliver Sacrament. Sometimes they try to hide in the woods which gives me a chuckle. I'm a born hunter! That's the worst place to go. If they hide in the sewer, though, that gets tricky. Ugh, the smell!"

  • "My work lets me travel across the width and breadth of Tamriel. Wouldn't have it any other way. My feet get itchy if I stay in one place for too long."

  • "The Night Mother? Of course I know the stories about the Night Mother! But I know better than to repeat them! Don't you know she hears anyone who speaks to or about her? Now look what you did! She's probably listening right now!"

  • "No one believes I'm an assassin with the Dark Brotherhood, but it makes for some rousing conversations in situations like this. Evryone ooo's and ahh's and pretends to be shocked or frightened. It's good for a laugh and they're none the wiser."

  • "Nobles make the worst targets. They're so pampered and lazy! It's a wonder you can even get them off their plush lounges before delivering the killing blow. No, give me a strong farmer or dock worker as a target any day."

  • "Of course Hildegarde is here with me! We're inseprable! Well, except for those times when she goes full on werewolf. Her fangs are very sharp and she likes to bite, so I leave her to her business. "

  • "People always ask me, why are you so loud, Kor? Aren't people in your line of work supposed to be stealthy and quiet? That's the wrong way to think about it! I make other people stay silent. Forever."

  • "Some of my brothers and sisters finds the Shadowscales unsettling. Something about being raised from birth under the dark eyes of Sithis changes how people see you. Not me! the more beast-people in our family the better, I say."

  • "Some people have accused me of being quick to anger. Can you believe that? I never get angry. And I'll bash the head in of anyone who disagrees! Ha, just kidding. I know I have quite the temper. "

  • "Such skill and strength you demonstrated when you dealt with Primate Artorius. Signs of a true hunter. You proved yourself worthy of the Silencer title. The Night Mother made the right choice when you were invitted into the family."

  • "This place has plenty of charm and the sound echoes almost perfectly. Makes eavesdropping very simple. And you never know when that will come in handy."

  • "This Three Banners War? Feh -- bad for business. Prayers for secret assassinations drop when people can just kill each other in battle. Sure, we'll get sacraments for cowardly nobles who won't fight, but it's not the same."

  • "We know. See how I did that? Sends a chill down your spine, doesn't it?"

  • "Where I come from, most people believe that souls travel to Sovngarde when they die. I have no interest in that. The Void sounds much better. Quiet nothingness for eternity. I feel relaxed just thinking about it."

  • "While hunting elk some time ago, my foot got caught in a trap. Shor's bones, it hurt! Blooed sprayed everywhere when I pried it off. Took all my strength but I eventually got free. So here's the lesson -- always watch where you step."