All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Hildegarde


Hildegarde is a newer member of the Dark Brotherhood. A Nord and a Werewolf from Western Skyrim, she struggles to maintain the balance between human and wolf but is determined to find that balance. Unlike Kor, she prefers stealth when it comes to completing contracts. Though she is not quite sure where her path leads her, she is certain she is on the right track.


Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 2,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

* This houseguest is purchased in a pair with another, Kor.

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Aside from the occasional howl, I'm told I can be quite stealthy. It comes in handy while stalking prey in the forests for dinner. So staying hidden while hunting a contract comes naturally. Until Kor crashes by with a raised sword, that is."

  • "Before I met my big brother Kor and we became part of our family, my birth parents forced me to drink the blood of were-beasts. It tasted awful, but it made me what I am today. Don't worry. I will let you know if I feel a change coming on."

  • "Being a werewolf has complications, yes. I'd prefer if it was more predictable, but I don't want a cure. Astara says I'm the best tracker in the Brotherhood, and I can serve the Night Mother this way. I need to be happy with who I am."

  • "Call me Hildegard. Or Hilde. I don't mind. My brother Kor calls me that. Or little one. He is larger than me, at least while I'm in this form. We're part of the Dark Brotherhood, but that's a secret. And I'm a werewolf. I guess that's a secret, too."

  • "Do you smell that? Wait, now it's gone. No, there it is again! A rat, maybe? Or some other vermin? Oh, sorry. Don't take offense. There are so many different smells here. It takes time to get used to."

  • "Don't be alarmed, but could you show me in advance where the privy is? My wolf side has learned some manners while in polite company, but apparently some basic etiquette still eludes her."

  • "Fear of werewolves makes sense, but I would never hurt anyone. Well, aside from our contracts. But that is in service of our Dread Father and not personal. Not all werewolves come from the same mold. I hope you keep that in mind."

  • "From Initiate to Silencer in such a brief time. You're an inspiration, my friend! I hope to please our Dread Father and Night Mother in the same way. And I think I can, once I gain a little more control over the wolf inside me."

  • "I don't like to talk about why I ran away from my clan. It may be interesting to other people, but I find the memory quite painful. It led me to Kor, though, which I wouldn't trade for anything."

  • "I heard from a shopkeep in Kvatch that Western Skyrim is having a horrible time with werewolf attacks. He claimed it was some kind of uprising. I wonder if my old clan is involved. No, I don't plan to join them, if that's what you're thinking."

  • "I love Kor. He is my brother. He cares for me when I need it, and he believes in me. I would do anything for him. But if he tries to sing one more damned Nord drinking song, I will tear his head off."

  • "I think my wolf side likes Kor quite a bit. She always brings him tokens of affection after each kill. Sure, it's a bit embarrassing when I come back to myself with a finger bone between my teeth. But it's also sweet."

  • "I'll try to describe the feeling I get before I transform. Have you ever eaten so much honeyed oats that you feel a weight in your stomach but also queasy from the sweetness? Mix that with ants marching on your skin. Yes, that sounds about right."

  • "I'm a werewolf and I can be upfront about it here, right? No judgmental types around? I can usually feel the change coming upon me, just as Kor knows a storm is imminent when his big toe starts to ache."

  • "It's not fair when others find hair around the sanctuary and blame me. I am not that hairy most of the time! Everyone else has hair, too. Well, most everyone. People should not leap to conclusions."

  • "Kor says I am too young to have regrets. I've hurt people, lost my family. Even lost myself for a while. Sometimes I wish I could take it all back. But without that, I wouldn't have my brother and the path I'm on now. That is worth the struggle."

  • "Maybe it's the wolf in me, but I prefer the great outdoors. So many colors to take in and smells to explore."

  • "Mirabelle had to teach me to clean my teeth when I joined the family. She assumed I never learned because I was raised by werewolves. In truth, it's because I grew up with Nords."

  • "My big brother Kor found me at my worst. I'd wandered alone for so long that I forgot how to talk to people. There was no balance between the wolf and the Nord. He was kind to me. He understood my loneliness. I think he was lonely, too."

  • "My brother Kor was an orphan, did you know that? We're not supposed to talk about our pasts, but knowing that explains a lot about him. He's so eager to help those he's close to. Behind that loud voice, he's a big softy."

  • "My first trip into the city scared me so bad I couldn't stop shaking. The shouting, people moving around, and the smells, ugh! So many smells! Too overwhelming. I manage fine now. Maybe one day I can see one of those bard shows I've heard about."

  • "Oh, Silencer, it's so good to see you! I've missed you terribly! And about that conversation we had, the time I abandoned our family? I remember everything you said. I may not have shown it at the time, but it helped. It really did."

  • "Others in my family have much strong beliefs about Sithis and Night Mother than I do. I think I'm a bit jealous of that. It gives them a clearer purpose. I'll take them over Hircine any day, though."

  • "People assume that since I'm a werewolf I only eat bloody meat torn from the bone. I've learned to be much more civilized of late. Kor showed me how to use a fork and I almost never forget to use my napkin. I still like food rare, though."

  • "People have told me that my wolf form and my human form have very different personalities. I like that, honestly. Maybe one day I'll have control over each side and they'll come together as one."

  • "The Silver Dawn hunted my clan when I was young. We had to wander through Skyrim for years to stay ahead of their blades. I haven't felt comfortable living in one place ever since. But I'm working on it."

  • "We're not supposed to talk about it, but you seem friendly enough. My brother Kor and I, we're part of the Dark Brotherhood. And I'm a werewolf. Keep it to yourself and Kor probably won't try to kill you. Probably."

  • "You know that cage where you saw me the first time? That area used to be Elam Dral's bedroom. He liked it because of all the space. Kor claimed he got special permission from Elam to build it, but I suspect it involved a weapon and some threats."

  • "You wouldn't know a place nearby where a person could do some howling, would you? Maybe with a nice echo and soft grass to sit in. Just curious."