All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Sweetwater Cascades


Sweetwater Cascades

Location House Type Availability Population
Blackwood Notable Crown Store Sale 24


Unfurnished House Gold Cost Unfurnished House Crown Cost Furnished House Crown Cost
n/a 13,000 Crowns 16,250 Crowns


Traditional Furnishing Slots Special Furnishing Slots Collectible Furnishing Slots Special Collectibles Slots
350 5 55 5


Traditional Furnishing Slots Special Furnishing Slots Collectible Furnishing Slots Special Collectibles Slots
700 10 110 10


Conservatory Courtyard
(x10) Flower Patch, Violets

(x2) Leyawiin Windowbox, Irises

(x4) Rock, Gabbro Boulder

(x2) Rock, Gabbro Boulder Cluster

(x4) Rock, Gabbro Set

(x2) Rock, Wide Gabbro Slab

(x1) Tree, Bent Blackwood Elm

(x1) Tree, Blackwood Beech

(x2) Tree, Blackwood Beech Cluster

(x1) Tree, Elder Blackwood Beech

(x2) Tree, Forked Blackwood Elm

(x6) Vines, Snow Lillies Climber

(x3) Vines, Snow Lillies Swath

(x5) Leyawiin Fountain, Round

(x2) Leyawiin Fountain, Round Grand

(x6) Leyawiin Fountain, Tall

Dining Gallery


Hearth Library


Lighting Parlor
(x9) Leyawiin Brazier, Iron

(x1) Leyawiin Brazier, Tall Copper Serpent

(x1) Leyawiin Chandelier, Twin Lanterns

(x4) Leyawiin Lamp, Stationary

(x10) Leyawiin Lamppost, Floral Gilded

(x5) Leyawiin Lantern, Stationary

(x12) Leyawiin Sconce, Gilded Lantern

(x6) Leyawiin Sconce, Lantern


Structure Suite


Undercroft Workshop



Conservatory Courtyard
(x3) Elsweyr Potted Plant, Cask Palm


Dining Gallery
(x4) Leyawiin Bench, Cushioned

(x4) Leyawiin Bench, Cushioned Wide

(x7) Leyawiin Bench, Formal Wide

(x2) Leyawiin Bench, Sturdy

(x1) Elsweyr Armchair, Elegant Wooden

(x11) Leyawiin Armchair, Backless

(x11) Leyawiin Armchair, Cushioned

(x1) Leyawiin Counter, Corner

(x1) Leyawiin Counter, Long

(x5) Leyawiin End Table, Formal Round

(x3) Leyawiin Table, Formal

(x3) Leyawiin Table, Formal Grand

(x4) Leyawiin Table, Formal Square Low

(x1) Elsweyr Dome Architecture Painting, Gold

(x1) Fields of Plenty Painting, Wood

(x1) Idylls of Gideon Painting, Wood

(x1) The Legacy of Kaladas Painting, Wood

(x1) Leyawiin at Night Painting, Wood

(x1) Life in Repose Painting, Wood

(x1) Painting of Khajiiti Arch, Gold

(x1) Path of Eternity Painting, Wood

(x1) A Study in Structure Painting, Wood

(x1) Undying Light Painting, Silver

Hearth Library
(x1) Common Basket, Closed

(x1) Common Basket, Tall

(x1) Leyawiin Basket, Hamper Wide

(x5) Leyawiin Cupboard, Formal

(x3) Leyawiin Cupboard, Formal Display

(x1) Khajiit Vial, Amber

(x2) Leyawiin Amphora, Elegant

(x2) Leyawiin Pot, Waves

(x1) Leyawiin Pot, Wide

(x1) Redguard Keg, Hefty

(x1) Book Stack, Decorative

(x1) Cheeses of Tamriel

(x1) Common Inkwell, Practical

(x1) From Old Life To New

(x1) Leyawiin Bookcase, Grand Filled

(x8) Leyawiin Bookcase, Narrow Filled

(x7) Leyawiin Bookcase, Short

(x11) Leyawiin Bookcase, Tall Filled

(x1) Leyawiin Desk, Formal

(x2) Leyawiin Wall Shelf, Carved

Lighting Parlor
(x1) Breton Chamberstick, Tall

(x1) Leyawiin Brazier, Tall Copper Serpent

(x2) Leyawiin Chandelier, Brass

(x1) Leyawiin Lamp, Oil

(x2) Leyawiin Lantern, Stationary

(x1) Elsweyr Couch, Elegant Wooden

(x1) Elsweyr Fan, Handheld

(x1) Hourglass, Common

(x2) Leyawiin Banner, Abstract

(x4) Leyawiin Carpet, Grand Carmine Octad

(x2) Leyawiin Carpet, Large Carmine Octad

(x6) Leyawiin Carpet, Large Misty Octad

(x4) Leyawiin Carpet, Misty Octad

(x1) Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Gilded

(x1) Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Iron Octopus

(x4) Leyawiin Rug, Carmine Octad

(x1) Leyawiin Tapestry, Divines Horizontal

(x2) Leyawiin Tapestry, Lone Vessel

Structure Suite

(x1) Elsweyr Bed, Rumpled Elegant Double

(x1) Elsweyr Chest, Red Gilded

(x1) Elsweyr Divider, Elegant Wooden

(x1) Elsweyr Mirror, Carved Wall

(x1) Elsweyr Trunk, Peaked Embellished

(x1) Elsweyr Trunk, Peaked Floral

(x1) Elsweyr Wardrobe, Wide Elegant Wooden

(x2) Leyawiin Armoire, Formal

(x1) Leyawiin Bed, Formal Double

(x3) Leyawiin Bed, Formal Single

(x1) Leyawiin Divider, Octopus

(x1) Leyawiin Hand Mirror, Lacquered

(x1) Leyawiin Nightstand, Formal

(x2) Leyawiin Trunk, Carved Octad

(x2) Leyawiin Trunk, Floral Gilded

(x1) Leyawiin Trunk, Ornate

(x1) Leyawiin Wall Mirror, Lacquered Frame

(x1) Leyawiin Wall Mirror, Silver

(x4) Leyawiin Wardrobe, Formal

Undercroft Workshop
(x1) Elsweyr Incense Burner, Branched Brass

(x1) Leyawiin Censer, Iron Stand

(x1) Leyawiin Censer, Serpents

(x1) Common Cargo, Sealed

(x1) Elsweyr Barstool, Wooden

(x3) Redguard Barrel, Corded

(x1) Redguard Bin, Sealed

(x1) Rough Container, Cargo

(x1) Rough Container, Shipping

(x1) Rough Crate, Bolted

(x1) Rough Crate, Cracked

(x1) Rough Crate, Empty


Internal House Map

Sweetwater Cascades Internal House Map

Location of House Map
