All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Stibbons


Stibbons is the well-known Breton servant of Lady Clarisse Laurent. He is loyal to her (and in love with her), though he is constantly finding misfortune due to her making him part of her various travels across Tamriel. Now he needs a vacation from the woman, and he has chosen to do so at your domain.


Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 2,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Ah, friend! So good to see you again! Isn't it strange to meet without the penetrating gaze of Lady Laurent watching our every move? Yes, yes. I miss her, too!"

  • "As a man of leisure, I'm unsure what to do with myself. Lady Laurent usually provides me with a to-do list at the beginning of every day. Without such a list, I am adrift without a sail. A pot without a spoon to stir. A ... what were we discussing?"

  • "Be ever so careful when you depart the premises. If my time with Lady Laurent has taught me anything, it's that danger lurks just outside every door."

  • "Can I get you something? Tea, wine, a nice foot rub? Oh, my apologies. For a moment, I forgot I was a guest and not a manservant today."

  • "Cold. Ever since that time atop Sorrow, I've been troubled by the slightest chill in the air. I guess that's to be expected, given how long Lady Laurent left me in that damnable block of ice! I wonder how she'd like it if I let her tea get cold?"

  • "Despite her constant complaining, Lady Laurent actually likes my cooking. I'm an excellent chef, if I do say so myself. I'm known for making a stupendous fish stew."

  • "Do you recall that incident in Blackwood? At the xanmeer? Well you'll think me mad but I must tell someone! I think there are still duplicates, following me. Why, I awoke this morning and thought I was a duplicate! Checked for goo and everything."

  • "Do you remember our adventure atop Sorrow? With the orcs, and the ice, and the snow? It took me months to feel warm and comfortable again. And that was after I finally got out of that block of ice!"

  • "Do you suppose anyone would mind if I swept the floor or dusted something? I feel guilty not engaging in my usual manservant activities and I'd hate to let my skills dull from lack of use."

  • "Good friend, may we discuss something other than our past adventures together? I've been away from m'lady for too long, and such memories will turn my bleak mood ever darker. I hope you understand."

  • "Guest. I must admit, I have rarely been on this side of that word. How does one behave as a guest? Please, you will let me know if I do anything wrong, won't you?"

  • "I am but a humble manservant in the employ of a remarkable adventurer and treasure hunter, Lady Clarisse Laurent. Perhaps you've heard of her? She's really quite famous."

  • "I came across one of my to-do lists at the bottom of my pack and now I'm feeling homesick. Prepare fish stew. Sneak a few vegetables into fish stew. Proofread m'lady's new thesis. Organize m'lady's unmentionables... Ah, such memories!"

  • "I could use a strong cup of tea. Maybe with a dash of Daggerfall brandy. On second thought, I'm on holiday! I'll just have the brandy."

  • "I do a great deal of worrying in my daily life. It's nice to put that behind me for a bit."

  • "I do miss Lady Laurent, but this is a welcome respite. Me, a guest? I never imagined!"

  • "I picked up some sweets but I can't bring myself to eat them. As much as I want to, I keep imagining Lady Laurent's disappointed expression. She doesn't allow such treats at her estate or even when we're traveling."

  • "I spend many of my days fretting over one thing or another. And worrying. I do a lot of worrying."

  • "I think I'll take a nice, long soak. I deserve it. Lady Laurent has a splended tub, but I'm barely allowed to clean and fill it, let alone bathe in it."

  • "I was telling the maids and fellow manservants the other day how much I appreciate the clear directions and stern punisments that Lady Laurent hands out. I would be lost without her guidance."

  • "I wonder if there's anything to drink around here. I find doing nothing builds up a powerful thirst, and I am simply parched!"

  • "I'm not used to being a man of leisure. M'lady gets so flustered when I'm away. I left her in very capable hands but I worry about her so."

  • "It's odd not to have someone that depends on me at all hours of the day and night. I love my work as a manservant, but a little time off is ... liberating."

  • "Lady Laurent can be demanding, but she's a good mistress. In fact, she relies upon be for so many things. Cooking, cleaning, taking notes, handling travel arrangements, carefully investigating cursed objects. The latter? More often than you'd expect."

  • "Let's not dwell on that time I was an egg. It was so dark and cramped in there! Now, these accomodations are much more comfortable, but there was a certain peacefulness inside that shell."

  • "Love. Have you ever been? I have a fair petunia, but she doesn't feel the same. At least, I don't think she does. I never worked up the courage to reveal my desires. And, since we work together, I don't want to make things awkward between us."

  • "My friend! Lady Laurent will be disappointed that she missed this encounter. She always had nothing but good things to say about our adventures together. Well, mostly good things. Actually, she rarely talks about you. Sorry."

  • "Never interrupt a mage when she's in the middle of casting a spell. Not even for something important. Such as, would you like butter or jam on your crumpet? Believe me, I learned that lesson the hard way!"

  • "No one to cook or clean for? A life free from danger? Even for a short while? Why, I never imagined such a thing!"

  • "Oh, the tales I could tell! I have accompanied Lady Laurent on many of her most-thrilling adventures. Of course, I often end up in dire straights during her escapades ... but I'd rather not think about that right now."

  • "Once again, you and Lady Laurent came to my rescue! I'm still finding bits of goo in the most uncomfortable places. Can you believe that m'lady told me she misses the duplicates? If I thought she was serious, I'd be jealous!"

  • "Perhaps I should develop a hobby. Tailoring? No, too much like sewing the tears in Lady Laurent's undergarments. Beekeeper? No, I'm dreadfully afraid of the stings. I shall need to ponder further."

  • "Since arriving, I haven't once been turned into vermin, frozen in ice, or possessed by evil spirits. While it's strange to admit it, I miss such occurrences!"

  • "Since that incident in Murkmire, I've taken a different view of the simple egg. It is more than the basis of a souffle or a hearty breakfast. The egg is a sacred vessel. Why, I vow never to cook them again! Though I do adore a good scramble..."

  • "Sometimes I think I should do something different with my hair, but Lady Laurent isn't fond of change."

  • "This vacation has given me time to catch up on my reading. Have you perused the new Investigator Vale mystery yet? This one's a real page turner!"

  • "What is a manservant without a lady to serve? I suppose I should relax, but I really want to make someone a nice cup of tea."

  • "When I travel with Lady Laurent, we tend to set up camp in the most inhospitable places. So, having a roof over my head during this retreat is rather unusual. And refreshing!"

  • "When m'lady lost her tent as we crossed the Nabia River, I gladly lent her mine. As it would be improper to share, I curled up in the hollow of a tree. How was I to know there was already a spriggan in residence?"