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Houseguests: Scruut
Scruut is a Daedra servant of Hermaeus Mora that you meet during the course of the Necrom storyline. She has very little understanding of mortals, and though she says she does not care, her curiosities speak volumes.
Availability: Crown Store Sale
Cost: 1,500 Crowns
Obtained: Crown Store
Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:
- "Adventurers! Do you have any idea how much work mortals like you create for me? Every time you alter someone's fate, you force me to update the records of Apocrypha."
- "Ah! A new day, filled with promise and opportunity ... Said no one in full possession of their reason, ever."
- "Another day, another meaningless drop of mediocrity in the ocean of infinite despair."
- "Are you sure this domicile is safe? I think it looks unsafe. I don't want to have to reconstitute myself if I'm squished in a completely foreseeable structure collapse."
- "Bow in the presence of Scruut! Powerful servant of Hermaeus Mora, corrector of the contradictions in fate, observer for the Great Eye! I go where the ripples of destiny lead me! But not today. I'm having a holiday."
- "Can we go find a mortal tavern? I enjoy watching mortals imbibe poison for their own amusement."
- "Daedra don't know what to make of music. We had no idea such a thing could exist until you mortals came along."
- "Did you hear that? It's the entropic disintegration of all matter and thought, rushing toward us from the end of time. Nothing to be done about it. It will be here soon enough."
- "Hermaeus Mora finds mortals fascinating. You are the only thing in existence that can surprise him. Sometimes."
- "Hermaus Mora instructed me to observe this realm for a while. Ugh. I have no idea what I did to offend him."
- "How do you orient yourself in the mortal plane without gigantic heaps of obscure tomes towering above you? I never get lost in the infinite corridors of Apocrypha."
- "I encountered a band of mortals who tried to beat me with a stick. Is that a common greeting around here?"
- "I found myself wondering what the mortals around here did with their time. Then I remembered that I don't actually care."
- "I learned long ago to set no goals and abandon all expectations. There's a lot to recommend it."
- "I suppose this is as good a place as any to stare into the Void and contemplate the end of existence."
- "I thought about going outside today, but the whole idea was just too exhausting."
- "I'm not entirely sure what Hermaeus Mora sees in this place. Your plane of existence, that is. I find it ... tedious."
- "I'm sorry. I know you want to tell me something about your doings, but, well, uhh ... I just don't care."
- "I've had all the adventuring I can stand. It's tiresome, dangerous, and usually pointless in the end. But you go enjoy yourself. No judgment."
- "I've observed that many mortals keep small beasts in their homes. These creatures demand food and make messes. It seems to me that they may be the true masters of this realm."
- "I've spent a lot of time recently examining works of mortal fiction. Insipid drivel, without a single mind-shattering truth to justify the time spent creating them, let alone reading the uninspired words."
- "Mortals seem to care a lot about when and how they die. Is that how you rank yourself against your rivals?"
- "My leftmost tentacle is shorter than it used to be. Either I was careless in reconstituting myself or this realm's dimensionality is beginning to fail. Must be the latter."
- "Nothing you do matters in the end. All existence will eventually collapse into nothingness. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be."
- "Oh, hello mortal. I thought I sensed your ripples in the fabric of fate. You should know that Apocrypha has returned to normal. Mostly. Thanks to you. I do still get a tingle near Cipher's Midden, but that's probably just me."
- "Oh, there you are. Hermaeus Mora tells me he's not yet done with you, mortal. Fate's chosen, and all that. Tell you more? And risk the very fabric of space and time? Hmm. No, no. That would be wrong. Forget I mentioned anything."
- "Ooo, ooo, spasm in my lower left tentacle! I feel a contradiction in the tides of fate coming on. No, no. It passed. Probably just gas."
- "Regret is the most pointless mortal delusion of them all. The past is written. You can't change it so why fret about it?"
- "Some days fate covers you in Void sludge, and some days you get poked in multiple eye sockets with a sharp stick. That's existence for you."
- "Strange to encounter you here, mortal. I imagine Hermaeus Mora anticipated our meeting when he sent me to observe this realm. So, don't mind me. I'm just going to stare."
- "Were we destined to meet today? Is this part of some grand purpose in the annals of destiny? Or just another meaningless act of coincidence? Who can say? Fate works in mysterious ways."
- "Why does the universe hate me, mortal? Don't I chase down disturbances in fate, just as Hermaeus Mora directed me? Don't I keep flawless records in the chronicles of Apocrypha? Sure, I complain from time to time, but someone has to."