All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Mizzik Thunderboots


Mizzik Thunderboots is a Khajiit that fashions himself as a private investigator -- and a flirty but fashionable one at that! Just do not expect him to get into a fight with you, as he is a bit of a passivist. He is first encountered in Riverhold, Northern Elseweyr.

Mizzik Thunderboots

Availability: None

Cost: Free

Obtained: Free to ESO+ subscribers as a daily login reward in November 2023

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • After our adventure in Riverhold, Mizzik has been trying hard not to make hasty assumptions and waste time chasing down false clues. It is difficult. Mizzik finds conclusions very easy to jump to.

  • Ah-Choo! You must excuse Mizzik. Is there a dog in here, by chance? Mizzik is quite allergic.

  • Another mystery is right around the corner. Mizzik can feel it in his little gray hairs.

  • Do not worry. Mizzik is not as light-fingered as many tend to assume about his kind. Unless there happens to be a sweetroll left unattended nearby. In that case, Mizzik makes no promises.

  • Do you have a new mystery for Mizzik? No? Perhaps ... the mysterious case of how Mizzik came to be in such charming company? But of course, not every mystery is one that needs to be solved.

  • Everywhere he goes, Mizzik always asks questions. Some find it very annoying, but aside from solving mysteries, it is how Mizzik shows his interest! He gets called nosy. But this one supposes there are worse things they might call Mizzik.

  • Explanations of crimes are often deceivingly simple. It is the motivations that become devious and complicated. Only by unravelling the two do we finally comprehend the whole tapestry, yes?

  • For many people, the allure of correcting someone is far more fragrant than holding one's tongue. Therefore, Mizzik says that if you ever want to get someone to talk, tell them what you know -- but tell it wrong.

  • Greetings! This one is Mizzik Thunderboots, investigator of mysteries, solver of crimes. Clients pay well for Mizzik's services. This one's skills at deduction are without peer. It is the violent aspects of the work that make Mizzik's fur crinkle.

  • If only every perpetrator was as careless as Rideza the Rogue. But if every investigation were as easy as following jelly footprints, one supposes there would be no need for investigators like Mizzik.

  • Investigations are similar to hunting antiquities, Mizzik thinks. Both involve leads, insight, patience, focus, finding lost things and speculating at their uses. And in the most extreme cases, excavation with heavy shovels.

  • Investigator Vale uses such unconventional methods in her stories. Mizzik has learned the hard way that a glass of wine is not always essential to solving a mystery. In many instances, wine presents far more problems than solutions.

  • Mizzik has a weak disposition for violence. Some have accused him of playing up this aspect to get others to underestimate him as an investigator. Oh, if only Mizzik were that good an actor!

  • Mizzik has been thinking about his name. One does not hear thunder until it is already upon you, yes? So it will be for Mizzik Thunderboots. Scoundrels cannot hide from the sound of thunder! A much better quality than quaking at its approach.

  • Mizzik has heard of an aid to memory where one stores facts in a location that is familiar but entirely in one's imagination. Mizzik tried this, but forgot what place he chose. He fears that all he stored there is lost until he remembers.

  • Mizzik has quite the stomach for sea travel, actually. It is the stomach for violence that he does not possess. One wonders what might result from combining the two, but -- ah, no. Mizzik prefers not to think about that after all.

  • Mizzik is always happy to travel beyond Riverhold. Dragons! In his own homeland! What else must he do but flee?

  • Mizzik likes talking unsolved mysteries. Bringing a new perspective, stirring the pot. Like making jam, things float to the surface, ready to skim off with a spoon so as to leave behind a tasty treat. Yum! What were we talking about, again?

  • Mizzik may have seen an old acquaintance in the market today. A criminal that Mizzik assumed was still locked in a dungeon. This one was very discreet, but if a large Pahmar-raht named Bitsy comes around, you never saw Mizzik. Never ever.

  • Mizzik must be careful not to cast aside a fact if it does not fit neatly into his developing theory. Indeed, it is the facts that do not fit that require careful attention, yes?

  • Mizzik remembers his first mystery well. This one's mother told young Mizzik a thief broke in and stole the spots off his precious pet dragon frog! Poor little Jazbay was never the same after that. It is a mystery that eludes Mizzik to this day.

  • Mizzik shudders to hear of unsolved murders being attributed to a weapon called the Blade of Woe. A summoned blade, never once compounded as evidence. Surely such a weapon is only a myth, yes? Yes?

  • Mizzik works hard ot keep up his dapper appearance. It is important to remain approachable to any potential clients. Even if it is a nightmare keeping this one's velvet doublet free of stray bits of fur.

  • Mizzik's mother read him Investigator Vale books when he was small. Reading them since, he realizes she left out so much blood and violence! And ... other things, too.

  • The mystery stories Mizzik has read gave him some unrealistic expectations of investigators and their adventures. Getting lost in the eyes of a captivating suspect, however -- that's happened about as much as Mizzik was lead to expect.

  • Playing Tales of Tribute is such a diverting way to pass the time, yes? The trouble is, Mizzik gets woozy whenever his opponent uses the Black Sacrament on one of his agents! Mizzik did not expect such violence in a game of cards.

  • A pleasant abode, a chance meeting, a charming conversation. Just the diversion Mizzik needs to clear his head before his next investigation!

  • Since our last adventure, Mizzik has been working on building his confidence and assertiveness! He thinks. Maybe. Time will tell. Or perhaps it will not. Who can say for certain?

  • Some may turn their nose up at gossip and rumors. For Mizzik, they may offer important leads! And when he is not conducting an investigation, they provide a fine source of amusement.

  • Sometimes Mizzik thinks the one who commits a crime makes a victim of themselves. Mizzik imagines the misdeeds weighing upon one's heart. And being forbidden to speak of them must be a unique kind of torment.

  • There are bigger mysteries than just murder. Grand, exciting mysteries! The disappearance of the Dwarves, for example. On second thought, Mizzik feels fine investigating smaller mysteries for now.

  • There are many deductions one can make from a person's appearance. But there is so much more one can learn from talking to said person! A good investigator uses all senses at his disposal.

  • There is nothing Mizzik would love more on a case than to deliver one final question that completely unravels the logic of a suspect's story. Those moments don't come by nearly as often as the mystery novels would have us think.