All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Hezehk


Hezehk is first encountered in Madam Whim establishment in Fargrave, her Skaafin servant due to a large debt he owes her. He is currently haunting you to avoid both Madame Whim and his duties.


Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 1,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Ah, mortal. You might prove useful to poor Hezehk. Perhaps you could negotiate a reduction in the debt I owe to Madame Whim? She does seem to demonstrate an uncharacteristic fondness for you, though I fail to understand why."

  • "Ah, this is much better. No Madam Whim looking over Hezehk's shoulder, badgering me to be about my duties! Perhaps I will stay here. For a time."

  • "Bah! Where is the joy in malingering, when there are no chores to hide from? I may not have thought out this extended vacation from the House of Whims very well."

  • "Don't tell Madam Whim, but I found a way to shave eons from my debt. By the time I finish, she will owe me. And oh, she'll hop and run at Hezehk's command! That is the dream!"

  • "The drink of this realm tastes strange. Why, I almost miss Nzerru's ridiculous potions! I haven't felt my organs shine since I departed Fargrave."

  • "Feh. Hezehk had higher hopes for the mortal realm. Surely, I thought, there must be something on Nirn that Hezehk would find interesting. Alas... Present location notwithstanding!"

  • "Heh! Just think of it. While Nass toils away with her books and her accounts, I am free to do anything I like! But how can I tell Nass I'm malingering unless I return to the House of Whims to rub it in her face? Decisions, decisions..."

  • "Hezehk needs minions to command. Underlings to oppress. Something smaller and weaker that can wait on my every whim! Is that so much to ask?"

  • "I can't tell you how glad I am to be done with all of Lyranth's nonsense. Why, she ran poor Hezekh from one end of the Deadlands to the other with her messages and errands! If I ever see her again, it will be too soon!"

  • "I have to say, I do not miss the Grasp of the Stricture at all. Completely intolerant of malingering and malfeasance. How can poor Hezehk have any fun when those Dremora lawkeepers are around?"

  • "I've been thinking -- I should pay more attention to my own idle fancies. Who will put Hezehk first, if not Hezehk?"

  • "If anyone comes around and asks if you've seen Hezehk, just say no. I'm hoping to make this break in my duties last as long as possible. Thank you. Now if you don't mind, I want to get back to my book. That Investigator Vale is an intriguing mortal."

  • "Is it odd that I miss the Constrictions of Moath? Every time Oruuzyn compresses me, I swear to myself that I will never agree to it again. And yet, I feel as if my back needs another realignment."

  • "It's just as well that you chased the Waking Flame out of the Shambles. Fargrave is miserable enough without mortal cultists running around and making everything worse."

  • "Madam Whim sent poor Hezehk on another errand, but she neglected to say how long I had to perform my task. She may be waiting on Hezehk for quite some time! Hezehk likes it here."

  • "No! I won't do it and you can't make me! Heh. Forgive me, mortal. That is something poor Hezehk never gets to say. I simply wanted to try it out once, while Madam Whim isn't around to reprimand me."

  • "Now you've done it, mortal. I hear Mehrunes Dagon got a good look at you in Ardent Hope, and he's not likely to forget your face. He will have vengeance. Hezehk knows it! A pity, too -- I disliked you less than most."

  • "Oh, I know that I complain about mortals and their habits, but you shouldn't take it personally. Hezehk doesn't like anybody. Mortal, Daedra, or whatever."

  • "Oh, what does Whim want now? Am I supposed to entertain her patrons? Dazzle them with my wit? Perhaps caper and sing like one of those mortal bards who pollute the streets of Fargrave with their maliferous tones? I think not. Hezehk has standards."

  • "Oh, what is it now? Some urgent message to send me running across the planes? An errand that can't possibly wait until Hezehk has a spare moment? Oh, sorry. Force of habit. Don't mind me."

  • "So, you met the Anchorite, did you? There's a story behind that one, I'm certain of it. My guess is that she committed some gruesome crime and feigns ignorance to escape punishment. Or she's horribly scarred beneath that mask. One of the two."

  • "These accommodations are comfortable enough ... for mortals. I can think of several refinements that would better serve a discerning Daedra such as myself. Would you like a list?"

  • "The trouble with the mortal realm is that it's full of mortals. I would almost like the place if it weren't so crowded with so many of your kind. No offense."

  • "Well, well, mortal. Consigning Valkynaz Nokvroz to the depths of Oblivion? Not bad. Now, I have a short list of some other Daedra who Hezekh would also like to see disappear. Perhaps you can tell me how you accomplished that, hmm?"

  • "What? Have you never encountered a free Daedra before? Well, not exactly free, I suppose. I serve Madam Whim of Fargrave. I am here on a secret mission of-- no, ignore that. Hezehk has said too much!"

  • "You don't know the House of Whims? It's only the most fabulous and enticing establishment in all the realms of Oblivion! If you don't believe Hezehk, just ask Madam Whim. She tells us these words constantly."