All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Druid Ryvana


Ryvana is a Breton on High Isle that you meet during the course of the main storyline there. She is of the Stonelore Circle and has dedicated her life to the ways of the druid.

Druid Ryvana

Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 1,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "The anger of Mount Firesong left many scars across High Isle. When I return home, I will do what I can to heal them."

  • "Do not fell a living tree if deadwood will serve your purpose."

  • "Each day leaves its mark upon the living earth. Heat, frost, wind, rain -- they write their tales in the rock so that we can read them."

  • "Eldertide druids listen to ocean and storm. Firesongs hear Y'ffre's voice in the restlessness of the mountain. We Stonelores find truth in the bones of the earth. Rocks tell stories, old and deep."

  • "The fox does not live in its den. Its life happens out in the fields, and the den is only where it shelters. A fox is wise that way."

  • "The great nobles of the Systres Archipelago distrust druids, but they have nothing to fear from the Stonelore Circle. We are content to outwait them. We know that rock endures."

  • "A great wide world waits outside that door, that is true. But in my travels I have found no place as beautiful as the hills and woods of High Isle."

  • "I am a druid of the Stonelore Circle. As such, I shall not attempt to convert you to the ways of Y'ffre. I simply let my good works speak for themselves."

  • "I am worried about Y'ffelon. The Firesong Circle guards the slumber of the volcano, and yet the volcano awoke. Did they relax their watch? The thought is ... disconcerting."

  • "I fear for the woods of the Systres islands. Many trees must die to make a ship, and the Dufort shipyards get busier every day."

  • "I heard that Eldertide druids aided the Ascendant Order at All Flags Islet. I want you to know that my circle -- the Stonelore Circle -- would never do such a thing."

  • "I love torchbugs. Y'ffre's joy, or so my mentor once called them. I have a feeling there's more to these creatures than we suspect."

  • "If you find a new variety of torchbug or butterfly, make a note of the location for me. I would like to go see them in their natural environment."

  • "The laws of a king are strong, but the laws of nature are stronger. Does the storm heed a king? No, a king must bow before the storm."

  • "Learn something and teach something every day, and you will make the world a better place."

  • "My house in Stonelore Grove serves as a place where people know they can find me. When I wish to be alone, I go into the wilderness."

  • "Nature is a most patient teacher, but some of Y'ffre's lessons can be very hard."

  • "No creature truly thrives when removed from the place where it belongs. This applies to people as well."

  • "A person should attempt to spend as much time or more outside than in. Nature rejuvenates us, gives us life. Too many city folk pass their days under a roof of wood or stone and locked behind solid walls."

  • "People must learn to feed themselves. Even in a city, one can tend a garden or go catch fish. These acts remind us of Y'ffre's bounty."

  • "Some assume druids are pacifists because we have little interest in the quarrels of kings and queens. That assumption is wrong. Violence and death are part of nature, too. Which is why I always carry a weapon."

  • "The Stonelore druids know old tales about other circles that once roamed Tamriel's forests. I sometimes wonder if any of them might still be out there, doing Y'ffre's will."

  • "The Systres Archipelago is my home, and to those islands I shall always return. But I wish to walk in many lands before I rest. Which is why I am grateful to receive shelter here."

  • "Three seasons ago I took passage on a ship bound for Southpoint to see the mighty Valenwood, greatest of forests. I almost didn't want to return home. What a marvelous place!"

  • "Y'free provides a banquet every day, free to all who heed his teachings."

  • "Yes, we druids see death as the natural end for all living things. But we also fight fiercely for each day in the sun. That is also natural."