All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Houseguests: Caska


Caska is a khajiit first met in Southern Elsweyr during the main storyline. She serves as first mate on the privateer ship, Perfect Pounce, whose captain is Za'ji. A no-nonsense, sarcastic kitty, Caska is someone you really do not want to mess with.


Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 2,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Any idea how much food it takes to maintain my girlish figure? Let's just say I could go for a roast guar right about now. Maybe two."

  • "As first mate of the Pounce, it's my job to keep the crew in line and make sure the ship is fit to sail. I also keep one eye on our captain, Za'ji. He needs all the help he can get."

  • "Be ready for a storm and rejoice when the sun comes out. That's my motto."

  • "Did I ever tell you about Klora the Brash? One of the largest Pahmer I ever met. We were in the pit, fighting for hours, but neither of us could get the upper claw. We decided to call it a draw. The pit boss was furious. So we ate him."

  • "Ever see what a house cat does when it catches a mouse? Now imagine that, only our enemy is the mouse and I'm the house cat. Get the picture?"

  • "Five-claw! Good to see you! I missed your overwhelming aura of courage and competence. And your scent. I've never smelled anyone else like it."

  • "Got any plum brandy around here? I could go for a bowl of the good stuff!"

  • "Have you met my captain, Za'ji? His heart's in the right place. His head, not so much."

  • "Hobbies? Fighting, drinking, carousing. Caterwauling. That's rather fun. And fighting. Did I mention I like to fight?"

  • "I grew up in Southern Elseweyr. Spent years making a living in fighting pits before Captain Za'ji convinced me to join his crew. I love the Pounce, but sometimes I miss the excitement of the pits. Sometimes."

  • "I have a bad reputation for eating my enemies. It's so unfair! I don't eat everyone I defeat in battle. Only the tasty ones."

  • "I hear that many types of Khajiit can be confusing to the furless among us. Too bad. We don't owe anyone an explanation."

  • "I knew you were coming. You have a very distinct scent."

  • "If there's anyone you need me to knock some sense into, just say the word."

  • "I'm a big talking cat. So good of you to notice."

  • "I'm a simple Senche-raht. I see an enemy, I kill it. I see a treasure, I take it. Anything more just complicates things."

  • "Like all Senche-rahts, I'm an excellent hunter. Once I pick up the scent, there's no stopping me."

  • "Moons above, can't a Khajiit nap in peace?"

  • "My size can be intimidating. I know that. But I'm really just a big poof ball. A big, dangerous, unapologetic poof ball -- armed with sharp claws and sharper teeth."

  • "Never interrupt a Khajiit's naptime. It could be bad for both our healths."

  • "New members of my crew always ask for advice before their first battle, and I always tell them the same thing. Don't die."

  • "Nothing's too big or too powerful for me to challenge. I may not always win, but they always know they were in a fight."

  • "One time in the fighting pit, I had to battle three Argonians at once. They were called the Aleet Brothers, but I'm pretty sure they weren't related. At least one of them was a woman. I think. Ah, memories!"

  • "Pellitine. That's the Khajiiti name for Southern Elsweyr. Look, I know the place has problems, but it's my home. I grew up there."

  • "Privateers and pirates can be dangerous, and feuds between ships can get rough. But if anyone hurts someone under my command ... well, then I hurt them right back."

  • "Privateers are often confused with pirates, but there's a world of difference. Privateers have permission to take your stuff. And we're usually more polite about it."

  • "Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. The fighting, the intrigue, the privateering. Then I think about all we accomplished together. The good we've done. Makes me kind of weepy. If I were prone to that sort of thing. Which I'm not."

  • "The Pounce is a fine ship. And if anyone says anything different, I'll bite their head off."

  • "This place is nice, but I get restless. I need full sails and the breeze at my back. I can't wait to see where the wind carries me next."

  • "Try not to get too close. It's early and I haven't had my bowl of warm sweetmilk yet."

  • "Well, aren't you a welcome scent on this glorious day! If you happen to see Za'ji, don't tell him we talked. I'm sure he wants me back on the Pounce, but I want to enjoy my vacation for as long as possible."

  • "When I'm not taking some much needed downtime, I'm the first mate of the Perfect Pounce. Finest ship to sail out of Senchal -- at least according to her captain."

  • "Za'ji says I'm a cat of few words. Yup."