![All Things Elder Scrolls Online](../images/titleESO.jpg)
Houseguests: Biro-dar
Biro-dar is a khajiit that just so happens to be a card-carrying member of the Thieves Guild but pretends to be a scholar. He will not hesitate to 'borrow' a scroll or tome he really wants. Of course, he denies everything.
Availability: Always
Cost: 1,500 Crowns
Obtained: Crown Store
Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:
- "Ah, always good to meet another ... scholar. You know, a scholar, yes? And by scholar, Biro means a comrade in the Thieves Guild. But we should never mention that name."
- "Ah, guild-mate! Do you happen to know of a good fence nearby? Biro has some ... scholarly research he needs to unload and would like to not be unduly cheated."
- "Ah, this one intended to tidy up, but the day just slipped away. Moon-sugar, what can one do?"
- "Biro hoped one of these dusty tomes would provide us with the location of a lost ancient treasure. But no such luck. How is this one expected to recover relics without more information? For posterity, of course."
- "Biro-dar urges caution, my friend. This one has it on good authority that a cutpurse operates in this very neighborhood. How does this one know? Well ... Biro is a scholar, yes?"
- "Biro-dar would love to explain the point of his studies, but fears you would find it all terribly boring. And quite beyond your current level of comprehension. This one often finds it beyond his comprehension as well, so don't feel bad."
- "Enough with the books already! Even a scholar must exercise his other muscles occasionally. Hmm, this one wonders what Tara the Nimble is up to right now."
- "Guild-mate! Good to see you! Have you heard of any heists ... er, historic expeditions ... er, that need a clever thief ... er, scholar -- gah! Subterfuge is hard, yes?"
- "It may not seem like Biro-dar works very hard, but appearances can be deceptive. This one is a very diligent scholar! Biro even visited the library. Once. About a month ago. Or was it two?"
- "Have you seen Tara the Nimble, the tavern dancer? She would be happy to come over for -- er, book club. Yes. Book club."
- "A little moon-sugar might help make all this reading more interesting, yes? Alas, this one is all out of moon-sugar."
- "A party -- that is what this place needs! No, no, a banquet! With dancers and wine and cakes and minstrels! Surely, you must have something you want to celebrate, yes? If not, Biro will think of something."
- "Sometimes scholars disappear for hours on end. To look for books and such things, of course. Do not be concerned if Biro isn't here the next time you look. This one has scholarly pursuits to ... pursue."
- "There may have been a small incident at the merchant's shop today. Biro-dar had nothing to do with it, of course. This one studied without pause all day long. All day. Certainly, Biro never left this house. Not even once."
- "There may have been a small misunderstanding with the local guard this morning. If anyone asks, tell them that Biro-dar was at home the entire day, yes?"
- "There might have been a misinterpretation of this one's intentions today. At the market. With the baker. Who knew they expected actual payment for their wretched moon-sugar cakes? They should thank Biro for taking them off their hands, yes?"
- "There might have been a misinterpretation of this one's intentions today. At the savings and loan. With the banker. That was definitely not Biro's hand. In the vault drawer. With his fingers around a fistful of gold. Not in the least."
- "This one has never stolen a thing in his life, no matter what else you may have heard."
- "This one is shocked -- shocked! -- to have come into some gold recently. Scholarship pays, it seems. Dinner is on Biro-dar!"
- "This one needs a distraction from his studies. The books, they contain so many words! Biro has an idea! Entertainers! Just the thing to lift the cloud of boredom that hangs over Biro like a shroud! Do you know any?"
- "This research and study can wait until tomorrow. Biro-dar is ready to do something fun for a change. Something to get the fur ruffled, so to speak. You have gold, yes?"
- "Why are these histories so boring? This one hoped to spend the day reading about exciting times, but these are full of nothing but political facts and figures. Makes Biro's head hurt!"
- "Would it be too much to ask for people who write books such as these to include more illustrations? Ah, for culture and context, of course."