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Houseguests: Arox the Mutilator


Arox the Mutilator, former overseer of the Blood Pit, is in the current form of a daedrat. This is a curse placed upon him by an enemy that overthrew him. His plight can be learned of through the Deadlands storyline, but he seeks now to return himself to his former, unglorious, massive form while purposefully causing havoc along the way.

Arox the Mutilator

Availability: Crown Store Sale

Cost: 2,500 Crowns

Obtained: Crown Store

Lines Spoken by This Houseguest:

  • "Carry me into battle, master. I will gladly sink my fangs into your enemy's throats ... if you could but hold me high enough to reach them."

  • "Come, let us wreak havoc on the weak and the unworthy. My talents grow stale in this place!"

  • "Do not be misled by this wretched form I currently wear. I shall let you in on a little secret. In reality, I am a mighty Daedra of enormous size and power. Truly! Do you doubt the word of Arox the Mutilator?"

  • "Do not look shocked. Yes, I am currently a talking daedrat, but once I was so much more. I am Arox the Mutilator, and before this curse felled me, I was mighty! And very large. Huge. Much bigger than you. What? Why do you smirk, mortal?"

  • "Do you happen to know any mages skilled in transformations? If I don't return to my normal form soon, someone will face my wrath!"

  • "Do you know, no matter how long I am trapped in this form, I still duck my head every time I pass through a doorway? I will never become accustomed to this ridiculous stature."

  • "For centuries uncounted, I gave my loyalty to Mehrunes Dagon. In return, he allowed that lickspittle Nokvroz to curse and supplant me. Prince or no, he will answer for that. Vengeance shall be ours! Tomorrow. Today I would like a wheel of cheese."

  • "Guard your fearsome name with care -- the day may come when it is all that is left to you. I speak from experience, mortal."

  • "Gaze upon me and be astounded, mortal. My name means doom across half the planes of Oblivion! What? Have I not explained? This isn't my original form. I have been cursed! Mortals. They never listen."

  • "Have I told you of the Harrowing of Varondo? An army of Ayleids burned like dry grass in a wildfire beneath my fiery breath that day!"

  • "I am ... intrigued by the aroma of cheese. Do you happen to have any?"

  • "I am no one's curio or pet. I am Arox the Mutilator, the Ruin of Varondo, Terror of the Burning—hey! Hey! Down here!"

  • "I discovered a mortal kitchen during my recent explorations. The aroma of the baking -- what did they call them? Ah, yes, pies -- was bewitching. No Mazken ever devised something so seductive."

  • "I do not stand on ceremony. You may address me as Lord Arox or the Mutilator. When we are alone. And no one else can hear."

  • "I find myself puzzled by the notion of currency. Do not the strong simply take from the weak? Do not the weak attempt to steal from the strong? Why complicate matters with this strange barter system?"

  • "I have been working to exert my dominion over the rats of the mortal world. Simple tools, but with them I shall build an empire of ash and ruin!"

  • "I observed a nearby village today. Not a moment went by without some mortal toiling to gather food, struggling to prepare food, or busying themselves with the task of consuming food. Is eating really that important to your kind?"

  • "I think some of those Waking Flame fools managed to escape our wrath, master. Let us go and look again. Who doesn't relish a good hunt and bloody retribution?"

  • "I ventured outside today and was set upon by a savage beast with claws and fangs. A cat, I think the mortals called it. To my shame, I was forced to flee at its unprovoked onslaught. Next time, though, next time..."

  • "I wandered through a nearby village a few days ago. Not a single person I saw was in torment. I really don't understand how you expect to get anything done in the mortal realm."

  • "If I am truly condemned to ravage ankles instead of cities, then so be it. They shall know me by the trail of the many who limp!"

  • "Mortal rats lack ambition. I cannot seem to interest them in my schemes of conquest. Or even in a nice game of Agony and Affliction."

  • "Name an enemy, master. I will crush them underfoot for you!"

  • "The rats of this world have been used and abused for long enough! They shall be my horde and I shall be their king! Then our enemies will hear from us! Then they will fear us!"

  • "The small, flying things that haunt the mortal realm? Birds, I think they are called. Yes. Dispose of them. I do not like them."

  • "Squeak! Squeaker squeakums squeak, squeak! Ah, it is pointless. One cannot explain visions of conquest in rat-speak."

  • "The story of our victory over Nokvroz spreads like wildfire across the Deadlands, master. It is good to hear my name spoken with dread again!"

  • "Surely there must be something you wish destroyed. Why else would you be speaking to me?"

  • "Tell me of your plans for conquest. What role does Arox the Mutilator play in your next triumph?"

  • "This place could use more captives to torment. You can judge one's importance by the quality and quantity of the prisoners they keep."

  • "Today I fixed my eye upon a scrap of paper on the floor. It curled up and smoked a little under my burning gaze. Soon I will summon conflagrations again, I know it!"

  • "This realm is sadly lacking in a sufficient supply of minions to suit my taste. Churls. Drudges. Scamps. I require a legion! A multitude which I can condemn to an eternity of toil on my behalf! Look into that, mortal."

  • "We should seek out a way to undo this miserable curse of mine, master. Once I possess my proper form, no foe could stand against us!"

  • "What do you wish of me, mortal? What favor do you beg of the mighty Arox? I can be generous, when the mood strikes me."

  • "What? Oh, my apologies, mortal. I was lost in a pleasant recollection. My talons rending flesh, the screams of the damned, the towers of Ald Sotha tumbling down. You should have been there. It was glorious!"

  • "Why do we sit here like blisters on an Ogrim's arse? Is there no realm nearby that we can hurl down into ruin?"