All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Jesters Festival 2024

Updated March 28, 2023


The event will run March 28th at 10:00am EST - April 4th at 9:59am in 2024.


The primary festival daily quests are given in:


[Optional] Complete the Starter Quest:

1. If you have never completed this festival's quest, doing so awards you a Passive XP Bonus when you receive the Pie of Misrule. Accounts that have completed it in the past do not need to complete this quest in order to receive the bonus.

2. Obtain the festival quest in the Crown store, called The Jester's Festival.

3. Speak to either Jester King Emeric (Daggerfall festival tent), Jester King Jorunn (Ebonheart festival tent), or Jester Queen Ayrenn (Vulkhel guard festival tent)

4. Completing this quest awards a purple Jester's Festival Box and, if you do not have it on your account, a Pie of Misrule and the passive XP bonus.

It is time to get those tickets:

You will receive Three Tickets and a golden Stupendous Jester's Festival Box from turning in your first Jester's Festival Daily Quest.

You get no more than three tickets total per account each day.

You do have the option to purchase Event Tickets for Crowns from the Crown Store for Crowns.


Once you have completed the festival quest, or if you have done it in a past year, you will automatically receive a Passive 100% XP Bonus that stacks on top of other XP bonuses such as Scrolls of Experience. Prior to 2024, using the Pie of Misrule granted this bonus for two hours. Using the Pie of Misrule is no longer necessary.

The Pie of Misrule is granted through the starter quest for the Festival. If you have already done the starter quest in the past, you already have a Pie of Misrule available to you. You can Qickslot the Pie of Misrule by going into your inventory and selecting the Quickslots tab at the top right. Choose the Tools sub-category to locate the Pie and drag and drop it into a Quickslot.


Daily festival quests are offered in four locations:

  • Speak with Jester Queen Ayrenn outside of Vulkhel Guard in Auridon.

  • Speak with Jester King Emeric outside of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.

  • Speak with Jester King Jorunn outside of Ebonheart in Stonefalls.

  • Speak with Soars-in-Laughter outside of Ebonheart in Stonefalls.

  • Speak with Jad'zirri at Hammerdeath Arena in Stormhaven.

  • Speak with Samuel Gourone near each of the festival tents.

  • Interact with a special Poster near each of the festival tents.

What festival quests are offered in Stonefalls by Jester King Jorunn?

  • Noble Guest, A - Go to the jester tent in Stonfalls, outside of Ebonheart, to receive this quest. Steal mudcrab apples in Ebonheart, and then find his betrothed in Ebonheart (it is a pig). You must make your way back to Jester King Jorunn with the pig. If you are spotted by the pig's owner you will receive a bounty. If you stick to the outskirts and move swiftly, your chances of getting away clean are much improved. You are able to use a mount to move more swiftly without losing the pig. At the end of the quest he tells you that he is going to Vulkhel Guard, Auridon and gives you the Springtime Flair quest.

  • Springtime Flair - Go to the jester tent in Vulkhel Guard in Auridon for this quest. Completing the Noble Guest quest will also make this quest available.

Jester King Jorunn

What festival quests are offered in Stonefalls by Soars-in-Laughter?

  • Prankster's Carnival - You are required to perform one of several pranks on someone. You must wait for the prank to complete before turning in the quest:

    • Lejikeh - Travel to Dhalmora, Bal Foyen. Wait until Lejikeh walks away from the shelter and place the prank kit.

    • Skurnd - Travel to Mistral, Khenarthi's Roost. Put the stinkpot on the stool when Skurnd is not looking.

    • Klumbert - Travel to Skywatch, Auridon. Wait until Klumbert walks away from the wagon and place the glitter in the back.


What festival quests are offered in Auridon by Jester Queen Ayrenn?

  • Springtime Flair - Go to Auriodon, outside of Vulkhel Guard, for this quest. You must throw petals on grumpy citizens. You will not need to pick anything up for this; simply head for the marked citizens. You must do this in Vulkhel Guard, Skywatch, and the College of Aldmeri Propriety.

  • Royal Revelry - Go to Glenumbra, outside of Daggerfall, for this quest. Completing Springtime Flair will also make this quest available.

Jester Queen Ayrenn

What festival quests are offered in Glenumbra by Jester King Emeric?

  • Royal Revelry - Go to Glenumbra, outside of Daggerfall, for this quest. Go to Ilessan Tower delve and either kill mobs or pick up the marked items for Dragonfire Dust. Go to Silumm delve and search the Ancient Bones for the Glowing Ayleid Dust. After returning to Jester King Emeric, wait for him to complete his work in a matter of moments. Then head to the three marked locations and use the dazzlers. There will be nothing for you to pick up; just head straight there.

Jester King Emeric

What other festival quests are offered?

  • A Foe Most Porcine - On a lightpost near the Jester's Festival tents, a poster advertises the A Foe Most Porcine quest. This same quest can be picked up in either Auridon, Glenumbra, or Stonefalls.

    1. Travel to the hammerdeath arena in Stormhaven.

    2. Speak with Rozette the Rapscallion.

    3. Though you are not required to, go speak with Jad'zirri nearby and pick up her quest as well.

    4. Enter the Festival Arena and kill King Boar. Note that allowing him to eat the apples in the baskets will partially refill his health. This is a solo instance.

    5. This quest completes itself upon the boar's death.

  • Getting the Band Together - Speak to Samuel Gourone at any of the three primary starter cities' (in Auridon, Glenumbra, or Stonefalls) festival tents to receive the Getting the Band Together quest.

    1. Head to Glenumbra for the Bloodroot Rosé, Stonefalls for the venom, and Auridon for the muskwine.

    2. Make certain to place each of the wines in the summoning circle near where you picked them up.

    3. Return to any of the cities to speak with Samuel.

    4. Ring the bell and then talk with Samuel again to complete the quest.

  • The King's Spoils - At Hammerdeath Arena in Stormhaven, Jad'zirri offers the quest, The King's Spoils.

    1. Enter the Festival Arena (the same one in which you kill King Boar).

    2. Though you are not required to, pick up the A Foe Most Porcine quest at the same time.

    3. If you did not pick up this quest at the same time as the A Foe Most Porcine quest, you must kill King Boar. Note that allowing him to eat the apples in the baskets will partially refill his health. This is a solo instance.

    4. Obtain the apples from the glowing red basket once the boar is dead.

Samuel Gourone Jad'zirri


The Stupendous Jester's Festival Box is a golden box awarded once per day per account for completing your first daily Jester's Festival quest. These give the same loot as the purple Jester's Festival Box (see below), only there is a better chance to receive the more rare rewards with them.

Unlike tickets and the golden Stupendous Jester's Festival box, the purple Jester's Festival box can be obtained multiple times by each character for completing daily festival quests.

You can obtain the following rewards in one of these boxes:

  • Fragments: Joke Popper Parts [Combine 5 for Jester's Festival Joke Popper (Memento)]

  • Fragments: Revelry Shard {Cadwell's Surprise Box Momento}

  • Fragments: Scrap of Minstrel's Cloth [Combine 10 for Jester's Daedroth Suit (Costume)]

  • Fragments: Sovereign Sow [Combine all 7 for the Sovereign Sow (Pet)] *

  • Furnishing: Banner, Jester's Standard

  • Furnishing: Jester's Coffer

  • Recipe: Pattern: Jester's Pavilion, Open

  • Recipe: Recipe: Candied Jester's Coins

  • Recipe: Recipe: Dubious Camoran Throne

  • Recipe: Recipe: Jewels of Misrule

  • Recipe: Recipe: Princess's Delight

  • Runebox: Cherry Blossom Branch

  • Runebox: Jester's Scintillator

  • Runebox: Playful Prankster's Surprise Box

  • Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit New!

  • Style Page: Broom weapon style page

  • Style Page: Bucket helmet style page

  • Style Page: Cadwell's weapon style pages

  • Style Page: Cadwell's Kitchen armor style pages

  • Style Page: Regal Regalia armor style pages

  • Style Page: Second Seed armor style pages

  • Toy: Cherry Blossom Twig x 2

  • Toy: Plume Dazzler x 4

  • Toy: Revelry Pie x 10

  • Toy: Sparkly Hat Dazzler x 4

  • Toy: Sparkwreath Dazzler x 4

  • Toy: Spiral Dazzler x 4

  • Random treasure to be sold to merchants


The Impressario will have the following special items available for purchase with tickets:

Jester's Seeker Suit Style New!

Jesters Seeker Suit Style

Broom Style

Broom Weapon Style

Bucket Style

Bucket Helmet Style

Regal Regalia Style

Regal Regalia Armor Style

Second Seed Style

Second Seed Armor Style

Jester's Daedroth Suit Costume

Jesters Daedroth Suit Costume

Sovereign Sow Pet

Sovereign Sow Pet

* The Sovereign Sow pet requires seven pieces, each named differently. These will only drop in the Stupendous Jester's Festival box. The seven items are: Sovereign Brush, Sovereign Fodder, Sovereign Lead, Sovereign Libations, Sovereign Oil, Sovereign Sash, and Sovereign Tiara.


Introducing Nenulaure, the brand new Indrik Vendor! Located at the festival tents area in Belkarth, Craglorn, Nenulaure is here to help you obtain those Indrik Mounts and Pets.

This vendor will only appear during Events when the Impressario is in town.

Past fragments and berries required to obtain those Mounts, as well as past Indrik pets, will be on offer in a seasonal cycle. Here is how that will work:

  • During the Spring, all berries for the Dawnwood and Spectral Indriks are on offer.

  • During the Spring, the Springtide Indrik pet and Haunting Indrik pet are on offer.

  • During the Summer, all berries for the Luminous and Icebreath Indriks are on offer.

  • During the Summer, the Shimmering Indrik pet and Rimedusk Indrik pet are on offer.

  • During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, all berries for the Onyx and Mossheart Indriks are on offer.

  • During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, the Ebon-Glow Indrik pet and Sapling Indrik pet are on offer.

  • During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, all berries for the Pure Snow and Crimson Indriks are on offer.

  • During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, the Frost-Light Indrik pet and Rosethorn Indrik pet are on offer.

All berries and pets available will cost 10 tickets each.

Nascent Indrik Feathers will always be available through her, no matter the season, for 5 tickets each.

Unlike in the past, there will not be an offering of all Indriks during the New Life Festival.

If you miss all of the berries you need, fear not, for the vendor will be around again the following year.


Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet

The Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet is the very first new special item added in 2024 via the Impressario during events.

To obtain one, you have to purchase a total of three fragments from the Impressario for five tickets each.

  • Anchor Chain Fragment
  • Dark Anchor Pinion
  • Effigy of the Dominator

Once you have all of them purchased, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.

If you wish to retain the pet as well as obtain one of the morphs from it, you will need to complete one of these pets again. Each time you create a new morph, you will use one of these pets as part of the process.


Planemeld's Master Markings

These markings are the first morph of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet of 2024. You will need the following pieces to create this morph:

  • A completed Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet
  • Crematory Ash
  • Incandescent Brimstone
  • Seething Censer New!

To obtain the three Planemeld's Master fragments, you need to purchase the appropriate items from the Impressario for 10 tickets each when they become available and combine them.

To combine them, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.


Just as you can purchase goods from the Impressario, you can also purchase certain furnishings from Philius Dormier, the Event Merchant's Assistance.

First, you accomplish certain achivements that are Holiday Event-Related.

Unlike the Impressario, Philius remains at the Impressario tent year-round to sell you those goods you have earned the right to purchase.

Philius Dormier

Tree, Jester's Large:

- Requires the Royal Jester achievement and 15,000 gold.

Tree, Jester's Large

Tree, Jester's Small:

- Requires the Royal Jester achievement and 5,000 gold.

Tree, Jester's Small


Dazzling Entertainer:

- During the festival, set off an illusion dazzler in the following 3 Undaunted Enclaves:

  • Elden Root Undaunted Enclave

  • Wayrest Undaunted Enclave

  • Mournhold Undaunted Enclave

Dessert Domination:

- Awards the Head Markings, Obnoxious Mute Face Paint.

- Complete the following achievements:

Festive NoiSe Maker:

- Awards the memento, Festive Noise Maker.

- Consume 5 Festive Noise Maker Parts found in Stupendous Jester's Festival Boxes

Illusive Dazzler:

- Use 50 illusion dazzlers.

Jester's Festival Joke Popper:

- Awards the memento, Jester's Festival Joke Popper.

- Consume 5 Joke Popper Parts found in Stupendous Jester's Festival Boxes.

Jester's Personal Chef:

- Learn all 4 Jester's Festival provisioning recipes:

  • Princess's Delight

  • Candied Jester's Coins

  • Dubious Camoran Throne

  • Jewels of Misrule

Lady of Misrule:

- Achievement cannot be completed beyond the festival.

- Awards the title, Lady of Misrule.

- Awards the hat, Crown of Misrule.

- Complete the challenges given by Jester Queen Ayrenn, Jester King Emeric, and Jester King Jorunn:

  • Springtime Flair

  • A Noble Guest

  • Royal Revelry

Messy Business:

- Awards the title, Empieress.

- Kill 10 players while they are covered in pie in Cyrodiil.

More Than You Can Chew:

- Throw 10 pies at guards anywhere but in Cyrodiil.

Princess Rescuer:

- Achievement cannot be completed beyond the festival.

- Rescue Jester King Jorunn's visiting princess without being spotted by the butcher.

Royal Jester:

- Achievement cannot be completed beyond the festival.

- Awards the title, Royal Jester.

- Complete the following festival achievements:

Smile, in the Name of the Queen:

- Achievement cannot be completed beyond the festival.

- Festoon 20 players with cherry blossoms during the festival

Three Fillings War, The:

- Throw 10 pies at players that are a different alliance. It is highly recommended that you do this achievement only during the festival and only in one of the festival areas. If you throw pies at people outside of the festival, they ask you to cease, and you refuse, you can be reported for Harassment and receive a ban for your behavior.

Upper Crust, The:

- Awards the title, Tin Soldier.

- Throw a pie at each of the alliance leaders:

  • Queen Ayrenn

  • Jorunn the Skald-King

  • High King Emeric