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Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration 2022
Updated 10/31/2022
Quick Index:
- How to Begin Your Festival Journey and Get Tickets
* The Reach Harrowstorm Dailies
* The Reach Wayward Guardians Dailies
* The Reach World Boss Dailies
* Western Skyrim Delve Dailies
* Western Skyrim Harrowstorm Dailies
* Western Skyrim World Boss Dailies
- Box of Gray Host Pillage (Gold and Purple)
* Box of Gray Host Pillage Items
This event will run November 17th at 10:00am to November 29th at 9:59am EST.
The following zones and instances are included in this festival:
- The Reach
- Western Skyrim
- Kyne's Aegis - Trial located in Western Skyrim
- Vateshran Hollows - Trial located in The Reach
- Castle Thorn - DLC Dungeon located in Western Skyrim
- Icereach - DLC Dungeon located in Wrothgar
- Stone Garden - DLC Dungeon located in Blackreach
- Unhallowed Grave - DLC Dungeon located in Bangkorai
[A] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Markarth DLC to access The Reach.
[B] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Greymoor DLC to access Western Skyrim.
[C] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Greymoor DLC to access Kyne's Aegis in Western Skyrim.
[D] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Markarth DLC to access Vateshran Hollows in The Reach.
[E] You must h7ave either ESO+ or access to the Harrowstorm to access Castle Thorn in Western Skyrim.
[F] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Harrowstorm DLC to access Icereach in Wrothgar.
[G] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Stonethorn DLC to access Stone Garden in Blackreach.
[H] You must have either ESO+ or access to the Stonethorn DLC to access Unhallowed Grave in Bangkorai.
★ [Optional] Complete the Starter Quest:
1. Obtain the festival quest in the Crown store, called Bloody Reunion. Alternatively, view a note at an Impressario Tent or speak with Mel Adrys near Karthwatch (Western Skyrim) to pick up the quest.
2. Head to the northeast of Karthwatch in Western Skyrim and talk to Mel Adrys, who wants you to help disrupt vampire rituals.
3. Disrupt the ritual he tells you to like the obedient servant you are and talk to him again.
4. If you thought it was over, think again. Head into a delve or dungeon in Western Skyrim or The Reach and kill your way through until you have vanquished the final boss.
5. Once you are done, return to Western Skyrim and your Overlord, Mel Adrys, for your next task.
6. Your overlord commands you to disrupt a harrowstorm. With his "assistance," of course, though he does no damage whatsoever to creatures. Really, he just likes watching you sweat and writhe in pain like the sadistic overlord he is. You might consider grouping to disrupt the harrowstorm.
★ Obtaining Tickets:
1. You must complete one daily in The Reach to get one ticket.
2. You must complete one daily in Western Skyrim to get one ticket.
3. You get no more than Two Tickets total per account each day.
4. You will receive a Glorious Box of Gray Host Pillage from turning in your first daily quest in Western Skyrim or The Reach.
5. You do have the option to purchase Event Tickets for Crowns from the Crown Store for Crowns.
★ What Delve Daily Quests are offered in The Reach?
Bralthahawn in Markarth will randomly offer your character one of the following Delve quests daily:
- Magic Mycology - Gather mushrooms in Gloomreach
- Strange Contamination - Gather fungal mold in Gloomreach
- The Tainted Briarheart - Destroy ritual tools in Briar Rock Ruins
- Unhatched Menace - Destroy eggs in Gloomreach
- What's Hers is Ours - Obtain the Hagraven Totem in Briar Rock Ruins
- Wild Talismans - Gather talismans in Briar Rock Ruins
★ What Harrowstorm Quests are offered in The Reach?
If you pick up the Harrowstorm quest in Western Skyrim before disrupting any Harrowstorms for this quest, you will only ever need to disrupt three storms on a character each day, as both quests will complete at the same time no matter where you disrupt a Harrowstorm.
Nelldena in Markarth will offer your character the following Harrowstorm quest daily:
- Halt the Harrowstorms - Disrupt three harrowstorms in either The Reach or Western Skyrim.
★ What Wayward Guardians Quests are offered in The Reach?
You must first complete the main storyline quests in The Reach before you are able to see Ardanir.
Ardanir in Markarth will randomly offer your character one of the following Wayward Guardians quests daily:
- Alone in the Dark - Save the refugees at Ghostlight Grotto in Arkthzand Caverns
- To Burn Away Evil - Gather enchanted silver ore at Bthar-Zel in Arkthzand Caverns
- Defenders of the Reach - Kill Gray Host to get their sigils at Nchuand-Zel in Arkthzand Caverns
- Remants of the Deep Folk - Gather dwarven scrap at Bthardamz
- The Language of the Night - Gather scrolls and the Tome of Void Runes at Nighthollow Keep in Arkthzand Caverns
- The Light of Arkthzand - Gather gemstones at the Library of Arkthzand in Arkthzand Caverns
- The Lost Shrine - Pour water on a shrine at Lost Valley Redoubt
★ What World Boss Quests are offered in The Reach?
Gwenyfe in Markarth will randomly offer your character one of the following World Boss quests daily:
- Discarded Treasures - Kill the Dwarven Construct and collect scrap at Sentinel Point in Arkthzand Caverns
- Guides to the Deep - Kill the Dwarven Construct and beacons at Sentinel Point in Arkthzand Caverns
- Namira's Perversions - Kill the Voidmother, disrupt the ritual, and rescue captives at Four Skull Lookout
- Notes of the Void - Kill the Witch Matron and gather ritual notes at Four Skull Lookout
- Ruptures in the Reach - Kill the Witch Matron and close magical tears at Four Skull Lookout
- The Scholar's Request - Kill the Dwarven Construct and use a rod on spiders at Sentinel Point in Arkthzand Caverns
★ What Delve Daily Quests are offered in Western Skyrim?
Tinzen in Solitude will randomly offer your character one of the following Delve quests daily:
- Dwemer Disassembly - Use the Dissonance Apparatus on constructs and find a heartcog in the The Scraps delve down in Greymoor Caverns, Blackreach
- Precious Bark - Gather spriggan bark in the Shadowgreen delve
- The Preservation of Life - Gather preserved organs in the Dragonhome delve
- Spiritual Release - Smash urns in the Midnight Barrow delve down in Greymoor Caverns, Blackreach
- The Strength of Giants - Gather snowberries in the Frozen Coast delve
- A Trail Gone Cold - Gather artifacts in the Chillwind Depths delve
★ What Harrowstorm Quests are offered in Western Skyrim?
If you pick up the Harrowstorm quest in The Reach before disrupting any Harrowstorms for this quest, you will only ever need to disrupt three storms on a character each day, as both quests will complete at the same time no matter where you disrupt a Harrowstorm.
Swordthane Jylta in Solitude offers the following Delve quests daily:
- Halt the Harrowstorms - Disrupt three harrowstorms in either The Reach or Western Skyrim.
★ What World Boss Quests are offered in Western Skyrim?
Hidaver in Solitude will randomly offer your character one of the following World Boss quests daily:
- Circle of Cheaters - Kill Skreg the Undefeatable and collect evidence at Circle of Champions
- Feasting in the Dark - Consecrate victims and kill Doomclaw, Hjorrenn the Harvester, and Exarch Savfyr at Vampire Feeding Grounds down in Greymoor Caverns, Blackreach
- Lost Along the Shore - Kill Ysmgar and collect scouting reports at Ysmgar's Beach
- Moonlight Kidnapping - Kill Hordrek and werewolves and feed goats at Hordrek's Hunting Grounds
- Mother of Shadows - Kill the Shademother and cleanse corruption pools at Shademother's Haven
- Problem Growth: Kill the Dwarven colossus and destroy the scrap piles at Colossus Charging Station down in Greymoor Caverns, Blackreach
★ What additional event bonuses are being offered?
- Additional Loot will drop from:
- Daily Quests
- Kyne's Aegis Weekly Quest
- Delve Bosses in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- World Bosses in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Bosses in the Castle Thorn, Icereach, Stone Garden, and Unhallowed Grave four-person DLC dungeons
- Bosses in the Kyne's Aegis trial
- Bosses in the Vateshran Hollows arena
- Harrowstorm Caches
- Crafting Resource Nodes
The gold Glorious Box of Gray Host Pillage is a golden box awarded once per day per account for completing your first daily in Western Skyrim or The Reach. These give the same loot as the purple Box of Gray Host Pillage do, only there is a better chance to receive the more rare rewards with them.
The purple Box of Gray Host Pillage is a purple box that is awarded for any The Reach or Western Skyrim daily completed on your account after the first one.
Purple Box of Gray Host Pillage containers might also drop from the following:
- Delve bosses in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- World bosses in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Bosses from certain four-person dungeons: Castle Thorn (Western Skyrim), Icereach (Wrothgar), Stone Garden (Blackreach), Unhallowed Grave (Bangkorai)
- Bosses from the trial for Kyne's Aegis (Western Skyrim)
- Bosses from the arena for Vateshran Hollows (The Reach)
- Random monsters in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Harrowstorm caches in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Crafting Resource Nodes in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Psijic Portals in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Containers in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Safeboxes in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Thieves Troves in The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Treasure Chests in The Reach and Western Skyrim
You may obtain the following rewards in one of these boxes:
- Motif Pages: Arkthzand Armory
- Motif Pages: Blackreach Vanguard
- Motif Pages: Greymoor
- Motif Pages: Nighthollow
- Motif Pages: Wayward Guardian
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Breeches [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Epaulets [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Gloves [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Hat [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Jerkin [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Shoes [NEW]
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Arm Cops
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Belt
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Boots
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Bracers
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Guards
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Helmet
- Style Page: Sovngarde Stalwart Jack
- Crafting materials: Arkthzand Sprocket, Bat Oil, Chaurus Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Gloomspore Chitin, Hawk Skull, Umbral Droplet, Vile Coagulant
- Furniture Recipes from The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Set items from The Reach and Western Skyrim
- Surveys
- Treasure Maps
- Miscellaneous Treasure (to be sold to merchants)
★ Arkthzand Armory Motif
![Arkthzand Armory Motif](images/style_ArkthzandArmory.jpg)
★ Blackreach Vanguard Motif
![Blackreach Vanguard Motif](images/style_BlackreachVanguard.jpg)
★ Greymoor Motif
![Greymoor Motif](images/style_Greymoor.jpg)
★ Nighthollow Motif
![Nighthollow Motif](images/style_Nighthollow.jpg)
★ Wayward Guardian Motif
![Wayward Guardian Motif](images/style_WaywardGuardian.jpg)
★ Sovngarde Stalwart Style
![Sovngarde Stalwart Style](images/style_SovngardeStalwart.jpg)
The Impressario will have the following special items available for purchase with tickets:
- Hallowed Hourglass Basin - 5 tickets each {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}
- Illuminated Dragon Scroll - 5 tickets each {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}
- Kvatchian Incense - 5 tickets each {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}
- Engraved Glassblowing Tools - 10 tickets each {Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh}
- Hallowed White-Gold Ingot - 10 tickets each [NEW] {Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh}
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Breeches - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Epaulets - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Gloves - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Hat - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Jerkin - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Style Page: Saarthal Scholar Shoes - 5 tickets each [NEW]
- Companion Rank : Companion Fighter's Guild Commendation - 3 tickets each
- Companion Rank: Companion Mages Guild Commendation - 3 tickets each
- Companion Rank: Companion Undaunted Guild Commendation - 3 tickets each
- Impressario's Group Repair Kit - 2 tickets each
Special Note Concerning the Companion Commendations: First introduced during the 2022 Zeal of Zenithar event, these Commendations will advance a single companion up one rank in the chosen guild. You must have the chosen companion out when you purchase these. For example, if I wish to advance Bastian's Mages Guild rank from rank 4 to rank 6, I will need to bring Bastian out and then purchase the Companion Mages Guild Commendation twice for a total of 10 tickets.
★ Saarthal Scholar Style
![Saarthal Scholar Style](images/style_SaarthalScholar.jpg)
Introducing Nenulaure, the brand new Indrik Vendor! Located at the festival tents area in Belkarth, Craglorn, Nenulaure is here to help you obtain those Indrik Mounts and Pets.
This vendor will only appear during Events when the Impressario is in town.
Past fragments and berries required to obtain those Mounts, as well as past Indrik pets, will be on offer in a seasonal cycle. Here is how that will work:
- During the Spring, all berries for the Dawnwood and Spectral Indriks are on offer.
- During the Spring, the Springtide Indrik pet and Haunting Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Summer, all berries for the Luminous and Icebreath Indriks are on offer.
- During the Summer, the Shimmering Indrik pet and Rimedusk Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, all berries for the Onyx and Mossheart Indriks are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, the Ebon-Glow Indrik pet and Sapling Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, all berries for the Pure Snow and Crimson Indriks are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, the Frost-Light Indrik pet and Rosethorn Indrik pet are on offer.
All berries and pets available will cost 10 tickets each.
Nascent Indrik Feathers will always be available through her, no matter the season, for 5 tickets each.
Unlike in the past, there will not be an offering of all Indriks during the New Life Festival.
If you miss all of the berries you need, fear not, for the vendor will be around again the following year.
![Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet](images/pet_SoulfireDragon.jpg)
The Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet is the very first new special item added in 2021 via the Impressario during events.
To obtain one, you have to purchase a total of three fragments from the Impressario for five tickets each.
- Hallowed Hourglass Basin
- Illuminated Dragon Scroll
- Kvatchian Incense
Once you have all of them purchased, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.
If you wish to retain the pet as well as obtain one of the morphs from it, you will need to complete one of these pets again. Each time you create a new morph, you will use one of these pets as part of the process.
The Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh performs a much-requested function for all of those houses you own. Place this item into your house and you can permanently set the time of day or turn it off completely.
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Inactive](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshInactive.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Sunrise](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshSunrise.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Morning](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshMorning.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Midday](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshMidday.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Afternoon](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshAfternoon.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Sunset](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshSunset.jpg)
![Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh, Midnight](images/furniture_SacredAlkoshMidnight.jpg)
This furnishing is the third morph of the Soulfire Dragon Illusion of 2022. You will need the following pieces to create this morph:
- A completed Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet
- Engraved Glassblowing Tools
- Hallowed White-Gold Ingot [NEW!]
- Mysterious Time-Lost Sands (Not Yet Available)
To obtain the three Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh fragments, you need to purchase the appropriate items from the Impressario for 10 tickets each when they become available and combine them.
To combine them, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.