All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daedric War Celebration 2022

Updated February 10, 2022


January 20th at 10:00am EST to February 1st at 9:59am EST.

Remember! All ticket chances will reset at 1:00am EST (Eastern Standard U.S. time).

You can use this Time Conversion Website if you are not sure what this is for your time zone.


Clockwork City, Summerset, and Vvardenfell

These are DLC Chapters. If you do not have access to them, you will have to either purchase them from the Crown Store or obtain an ESO+ subscription.


[Optional] Complete the Starter Quest:

  1. Obtain the festival quest in the Crown store or from Calonir, called Guidance for Guides.

  2. Talk to Calonir, who may be found beside any of the Impressario tents.

  3. Kill a delve boss in Clockwork City, Summerset, or Vvardenfell.

  4. Kill a Geyser in Summerset.

  5. Visit a Striking Locale in Vvardenfell. The Striking Locales are marked with an Eye icon on your map.

  6. Visit a Set Station in Clockwork City.

  7. This quest is not a requirement, but it might reward you with a purple Daedric War Spoils box.

It is time to get those tickets:

You will receive One Ticket from turning in a daily quest in either Clockwork City or Vvardenfell.

You will receive One Ticket from turning in a daily quest in Summerset.

Crafting dailies will not award tickets nor Daedric War Spoils boxes.

You get no more than two tickets total per account each day.

You do have the option to purchase Event Tickets for Crowns from the Crown Store for Crowns.


Be aware that you must unlock the Blackfeather Court and Delve dailies before you can do them. See the information further below for how to unlock these quests.

Where do I get daily Clockwork City quests if I have unlocked them?

  • The Blackfeather Court daily is given by the Bursar of Tributes in the Brass Fortress.

    Location of Blackfeather Court dailies in Brass Fortress, Clockwork City

  • The Delve daily is given by Novice Holli in the Brass Fortress.

    Location of Delve dailies in Brass Fortress, Clockwork City

  • The Supply daily is given by Razgurug in the Brass Fortress.

    Location of Supply dailies in Brass Fortress, Clockwork City

  • The World Boss daily is given by the Clockwork Facilitator in the Brass Fortress.

    Location of World Boss dailies in Brass Fortress, Clockwork City


What Blackfeather Court quests are given in Clockwork City?

  • Glitter and Gleam: Obtain ornate armor.

  • Matter of Leisure, A: Obtain toys and games treasure items. These may be regular or stolen treasures.

  • Matter of Respect, A: Obtain cookware and dishes items. These may be regular or stolen treasures.

  • Matter of Tributes, A: Obtain cosmetics and grooming treasure items. These may be regular or stolen treasures.

  • Morsels and Pecks: Obtain Elemental Essence, Supple Roots, and Ectoplasm.

  • Nibbles and Bits: Obtain foul hides, carapaces, and husks.

How Do I Unlock Blackfeather Court Dailies?

  1. Go to the Clockwork Crossroads Wayshrine south of the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City. It will be the first wayshrine unlocked in the zone.

  2. Talk to Eldresea Deras to receive the first zone quest, To Clockwork City.

    Eldresea Deras Location of Eldresea Deras in Clockwork City

  3. Complete the zone quest, To Clockwork City.

  4. Complete the zone quest, In Search of a Sponsor. The quest giver is located very close to where you turn in the To Clockwork City quest, still outside the Brass Fortress entrance. You may need to enter the Brass Fortress and exit again before you see the quest marker.

  5. Complete the zone quest, The Strangeness of Seht. The quest giver is in the Registrar's office, where you registered as a citizen in the last quest. You may need to exit and re-enter the office before you see the quest marker.

  6. Complete the zone quest, Deepening Shadows.

  7. Complete the zone quest, Lost in the Gloam. You do not need to accept the next zone quest, as the Blackfeather Court dailies are now unlocked.


What Delve quests are given in Clockwork City?

  • Again Into the Shadows: Find the Perception Tabulator in a marked chest in the Shadow Cleft delve, and then go find Evoker Tadari in a building of the northeastern corner of the map. The building is shown on the map.

  • Changing the Filters: Kill factotums in the Halls of Regulation delve to obtain water filters.
  • Oiling the Fans: Kill factotums in the Halls of Regulation delve for oil.

  • Replacing the Commutators: Repair factotums in the Halls of Regulation delve.

  • Shadow Malfunction, A: Find Initiate Favar using the Perception Tabulator in the Shadow Cleft delve. You will find him by following the river into a cave.

  • Shadow Misplaced, A: Find Novice Oscard and his notes in the Shadow Cleft delve. You will find him to the east of the boss, on the same level.

How Do I Unlock Delve Dailies?

  1. Note: If you only ever want one delve to unlock for the dailies, just do that required unlock, below. Each delve you unlock (there are two total) 'unlocks' the chance for that delve to come up in the Dailies.

  2. Complete the delve quest for the Halls of Regulation, which is called The Halls of Regulation. It is given by Tilelle the Mender, who stands outside of the delve.


  3. Complete the delve quest for the The Shadow Cleft delve, which is called The Shadow Cleft. It is given by Adjunct Daro, who stands outside of the delve.

    Adjunct Daro


What Supply quests are offered in Clockwork City?

  • Bitter Pill, A: Harvest herbalist nodes then go to Everwound Wellspring and find specious syrup in marked containers.

  • Daily Grind, A: Harvest blacksmithing nodes then go to the Mechanical Fundament in Brass Fortress and obtain the metal pellets.

  • Enchanted Accumulation: Harvest enchantment nodes then go to the Shadow Cleft delve and obtain the runelights from marked containers inside.

  • Fuel For our Fires: Harvest water nodes then go to the Halls of Regulation delve and search rubble piles for skimmer meshes.

  • Loose Strands: Harvest cloth nodes then go to the Mnemonic Planisphere for artificial lodestone parts.

  • Sticky Solution, A: Harvest wood nodes then go to the Reactor District in the Brass Fortress for counterfeit coal.


What World Boss quests are given in Clockwork City?

  • Fine-Feathered Foe, A: Kill the Wraith of Crows world boss at Exarchs' Egress.

  • Inciting the Imperfect: Kill the Imperfect world boss at the Sanctuary of Verification.


Where do I get daily Summerset quests if I have unlocked them?

  • The Delve daily is given by Justiciar Tanorian in Alinor.

  • The Geyser daily is given by Battlereeve Tanerline in Alinor.

  • World Boss daily is given by Justiciar Farowel in Alinor.

    Location of Dailies givers in Alinor, Summerset


What Delve quests are offered in Summerset?

  • Culling Serpents: Destroy reef viper nests in the Wasten Coaldale delve.

  • Pilgrimage's End: Retrieve pilgrim articles of faith in the King Haven's Pass delve.

  • Relic Runaround: Retrieve stolen relics and Sagacians' plans in the Tor-Hame-Khard delve.

  • Rose's Beauty, A: Collect Rose-of-Archon blossoms in the Archon's Grove delve.

  • Snuffing Out the Light: Burn scriptures and destroy coccoons in the Eton Nir Grotto delve.

  • Struck From Memory Seal away forbidden tomes at the Traitor's Vault delve in Artaeum.


What Geyser quests are offered in Summerset?

  • Sinking Summerset: Kill three -- any three, including the same one over and over again -- geysers.

How Do I Unlock Geyser Dailies?

  1. Travel to Shimmerene, which is the first Wayshrine you unlock in Summerset, and talk to Calibar. He stands beside the wayshrine and gives you the first zone quest called The Queen's Decree.

    CalibarLocation of Calibar in Shimmerene, Summerset

  2. Complete the zone quest, The Queen's Decree.

  3. Complete the zone quest, A Pearl of Great Price.

  4. Complete the zone quest, Buried Memories. You are not required to accept the next quest from Valsirenn in order to proceed.

  5. Run up to the Palace steps. At their base on the left stands Battlereeve Tannerline. Accept and complete her quest, The Abyssal Cabal.

    Battlereeve TanerlineFirst Appearance of Battlereeve Tanerline in Alinor, Summerset

  6. When you turn in The Abyssal Canal, you will notice that Battlereeve Tanerline has moved. She will remain in this new spot for your Geyser dailies, which are unlocked upon completion of her quest.


What World Boss quests are offered in Summerset?

  • Abyssal Alchemist, The: Kill the B'Korgen world bosses at Welenkin Cove.

  • Birds of a Feather: Kill the Haeliata and Nagravia world bosses at Gryphon Run.

  • Run Aground: Kill the Keelsplitter world boss at Keelsplitter's Nest.

  • Never Forgotten: Kill the Graveld world boss at Graveld's Hideaway.

  • Taming the Wild: Kill the Caanerin world boss at Indrik Frolic.

  • Sickening Sea, The: Kill the Queen of the Reef world boss at Queen's Hatchery.


Be aware that you must unlock the two Ashlander dailies before you can do them. See the information further below for how to unlock these quests.

Where do I get daily Vvardenfell quests if I have unlocked them?

  • The Ashlander Hunt daily is given by Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar in Ald'ruhn.

  • The Ashlander Relic daily is given by Numani-Rasi in Ald'ruhn.

    Location of Hunt and Relic Dailies givers in Ald'ruhn, Vvardenfell

  • The Delve daily is given by Traylan Omoril at the Hall of Justice in Vivec City.

  • The World Boss daily is given by Beleru Omoril at the Hall of Justice in Vivec City.

    Location of the Hall of Justice in Vivec City, Vvardenfell Location of the Delve and World Boss Dailies Quest Givers in Vvardenfell


What Ashlander Hunt quests are offered in Vvardenfell?

  • Ash-Eater Hunt: Kill Ash-Eater.

  • Great Zexxin Hunt: Kill Great Zexxin.

  • King Razor-Tusk Hunt: Kill King Razor-Tusk.

  • Mother Jagged-Claw Hunt: Kill Mother Jagged-Claw.

  • Old Stomper Hunt: Kill Old Stomper.

  • Tarra-Suj Hunt: Kill Tarra-Suj.

  • Writhing Sveeth Hunt: Kill Writhing Sveeth.

How do I unlock the Ashlander Relic quests?

  1. This will unlock both the Ashlander Relic and Hunt daily quests.

  2. Go to the Ald'ruhn Wayshrine and head east toward the camp. Near the bottom of the hill you encounter Drelyth Hleran, who offers a quest called Ancestral Ties.

    Drelyth Hleran

  3. Complete the Ancestral Ties quest.

  4. Travel to Urshilaku Camp to the north.

  5. Talk to Udami, who is sitting on a rock in camp and is offering a quest called Ashlander Relations.


  6. Complete Ashlander Relations.

  7. The daily Ashlander quests should now be available to you.


What Ashlander Relic quests are offered in Vvardenfell?

  • Relics of Ashalmawia: Gather relics at Ashalmawia by digging up rubble.

  • Relics of Ashurnabitashpi: Gather relics at Ashurnabitashpi by killing the enemies there.

  • Relics of Assarnatamat: Murder brigands to obtain relics at Assarnatamat.

  • Relics of Dushariran: Gather relics at Dushariran by killing the human enemies there.

  • Relics of Ebernanit: Dig up relics in rubble at Ebernanit.

  • Relics of Maelkashishi: Kill the Reviled at Maelkashishi to obtain relics.

  • Relics of Yasammidan: Dig up relics in rubble at Yasammidan.

How do I unlock the Ashlander Relic quests?

  1. This will unlock both the Ashlander Relic and Hunt daily quests.

  2. Go to the Ald'ruhn Wayshrine and head east toward the camp. Near the bottom of the hill you encounter Drelyth Hleran, who offers a quest called Ancestral Ties.

    Drelyth Hleran

  3. Complete the Ancestral Ties quest.

  4. Travel to Urshilaku Camp to the north.

  5. Talk to Udami, who is sitting on a rock in camp and is offering a quest called Ashlander Relations.


  6. Complete Ashlander Relations.

  7. The daily Ashlander quests should now be available to you.


What Delve quests are offered in Vvardenfell?

  • Daedric Disruptions: Disrupt a ritual outside of the Ahalmawia delve. The other targets are inside.

  • Kwama Conundrum: Plant poisoned food, retrieve an egg, and obtain research papers in the Matus-Akin Egg Mine delve.

  • Planting Misinformation: Plant documents in the Zainsipilu delve.

  • Tax Deduction: Go to the Pulk delve to collect tax documents. Kill Bralsa Inlador while there to obtain the stolen taxes.

  • Tribunal Troubles: Collect tools in the Nchuleft delve, including the core from the boss, Nchuthand Far-Hurler.

  • Unsettled Syndicate: Kill Avrusa Duleri in the Khartag Point delve.


What World Boss quests are offered in Vvardenfell?

  • Anxious Apprentice, The: Stop the experiement of the Dubdil Alar world boss at Dubdil Alar Tower.

  • Creeping Hunger, A: Kill the Wuyuvus world boss at Sulipund Grange.

  • Culling the Swarm: Kill the Queen's Consort world boss at Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine.

  • Oxen Free: Kill Nilthog the Unbroken world boss at Nilthog's Hollow.

  • Siren's Song: Kill the Kimbrudhil the Songbird world boss at Shipwreck Cove.

  • Salothan's Curse: Kill the council members world boss(es) at Salothan's Council.


The Glorious Daedric War Spoils box is a golden box awarded once per day per account for completing your first daily quest or weekly trial. These give the same loot as the purple Daedric War Spoils boxes (see below), only there is a better chance to receive the more rare rewards with them.

You are not guaranteed to get a purple Daedric War Spoils box. It is only a chance to receive one.

Unlike tickets and the Glorious Daedric War Spoils, the purple Daedric War Spoins box can be obtained multiple times by each character for doing the following in Clockwork City, Summerset, or Vvardenfell:

  • Completing daily quests.

  • Killing monsters, delve bosses, and World Bosses.

  • Murdering trial bosses in Asylum Sanctorum, Cloudrest, and Halls of Fabrication.

  • Closing Geysers in Summerset.

  • Looting containers, harvest nodes, psijic portals, safeboxes, thieves troves, and treasure chests.

You can obtain the following rewards in one of these boxes:

  • Fragments: Sealed Fabrication Materials [for Microtized Verminous Fabricant (Pet)]

    Microtized Verminous Fabricant Pet

  • Motif Page: Apostle (Clockwork City)

  • Motif Page: Ashlander (Ald'ruhn, Vvardenfell)

  • Motif Page: Bouyant Armiger (Vvardenfell)

  • Motif Page: Ebonshadow (Clockwork City)

  • Motif Page: Morag Tong (Vivev City, Vvardenfell)

  • Motif Page: Psijic (Summerset)

  • Motif Page: Redoran (Summerset)

  • Motif Page: Sapiarch (Summerset)

  • Motif Page: Telvanni (Vivev City, Vvardenfell)

  • Runebox: Gloam Gryphon Fledgling (Pet) [NEW]

  • Runebox: Slag Town Diver Skin (Skin)

    Slag Town Diver Back Slag Town Diver Front

  • Runebox: Thetys Ramarrys's Bait Kit (Memento)

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Axe [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Battle Axe [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Bow [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Dagger [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Greatsword [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Mace [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Maul [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Staff [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Sword [NEW]

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Breeches

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Epaulets

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Gloves

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Hat

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Jerkin

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Robe

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Sash

  • Style Page: Snowhawk Mage Shoes

  • Crafting/Style Materials

  • Overland armor/weapon sets

  • Transmutation Crystals

  • Treasure Maps for Clockwork City, Summerset, and Vvardenfell

  • Random treasure to be sold to merchants

In addition to the golden and purple Spoils boxes, the following rewards will be available in the festival zones during the event. Fishing and Heavy Sacks are excluded:

  • Doctrine Ordinator Style Page: A guaranteed drop from the final bosses in Asylum Sanctorum and Halls of Fabrication.

  • Doctrine Ordinator Style Page: A chance to drop from the Clockwork City public dungeon bosses and World Bosses.

  • Doctrine Ordinator Style Page: A chance to drop from the Vvardenfell public dungeon bosses and World Bosses.

  • Delve Bosses, Trial Bosses, and World Bosses drop additional loot.

  • Double yield from harvest nodes.

  • As a special bonus, double non-event reward boxes will drop for zone daily quests and Trial weekly quests.


The Impressario will have the following special items available for purchase with tickets:

  • Hallowed Hourglass Basin - 5 tickets each [NEW] {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}

  • Illuminated Dragon Scroll - 5 tickets each [NEW] {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}

  • Kvatchian Incense - 5 tickets each NEW] {Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet}

  • Aureate Anointing Oils - 10 tickets each [NEW] {Scales of Akatosh Skin}

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Axe - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Battle Axe - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Bow - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Dagger - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Greatsword - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Mace - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Maul - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Staff - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Style Page: Evergloam Champion Sword - 5 tickets each [NEW]

  • Gloam Gryphon Fledgling - 5 tickets each [NEW]

    Gloam Gryphon Fledgling Pet

  • Impressario Group Repair Kit - 2 tickets each


Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet

The Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet is the very first new special item added in 2021 via the Impressario during events.

To obtain one, you have to purchase a total of three fragments from the Impressario for five tickets each.

  • Hallowed Hourglass Basin
  • Illuminated Dragon Scroll
  • Kvatchian Incense

Once you have all of them purchased, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.

If you wish to retain the pet as well as obtain one of the morphs from it, you will need to complete one of these pets again. Each time you create a new morph, you will use one of these pets as part of the process.


Scales of Akatosh Skin

This skin is the very first morph of 2022, the first piece of which is available during this festival. You will need the following pieces to create this morph:

  • A completed Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet
  • Aureate Anointing Oils
  • AureateLustrous Ritual Sand
  • Sacred Scale

To obtain the three Scales of Akatosh skin fragments, you need to purchase the appropriate items from the Impressario for 10 tickets each when they become available and combine them.

To combine them, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.