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Anniversary Jubilee 2024
Updated April 07, 2024
Quick Index:
- How to Begin Your Festival Journey and Get Tickets
- Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes
★ Earthbone Ayleid Style New!
★ Abnur Tharn Armor and Weapon Styles
★ Imperial Champion Weapon Style
★ Jephrine Paladin Armor and Weapon Styles
★ Lyris Titanborn Armor and Weapon Styles
★ Sai Sahan Armor and Weapon Styles
★ Jubilee Steed Mount New!
The event will run April 4th at 10:00am EST - April 23 at 9:59am EST in 2024.
★ [Optional] Complete the Starter Quest:
1. As there is a new Festival introduction quest this year, you will need to complete it.
2. Obtain the festival quest in the Crown store, called For Cake's Sake.
2. Head to one of the three core alliance starter cities for your faction: Daggerfall in Glenumbra (Daggerfall Covenant), Ebonheart in Stonefalls (Ebonheart Pact), or Vulkhel Guard in Auridon (Aldmeri Dominion). You will find Apprentice Mogh in the same location Chef Donolon once was -- on or near the docks.
3. Fling some pies at two chefs and take back the special ingredients. Turn them over and then ask about his inspiration to receive your cake.
4. Completing this quest awards a Jubilee Cake for the festival year. Each year the cake is different, so it will never look the same.
5. Completing this quest is the only way to obtain the Jubilee Cake for the current year.
6. You do not need to complete this quest in order to purchase Cake Slices from the Impressario.
★ It is time to get those tickets:
You will receive Three Tickets each time you consume a slice of the current year's Jubilee Cake.
You get no more than three tickets total per account each day.
Completing any daily quest will award a regular Anniversary Jubilee Box, but is not required for obtaining tickets as of 2022.
Here is a Complete List of Daily Quests! Do not forget, there is a limit per day of 50 daily quests per character.
You do have the option to purchase Event Tickets for Crowns from the Crown Store for Crowns.
★ How do I Obtain the New Jubilee Cake?
Each anniversary, a new cake (or cake slice) is created.
The current year's Jubilee Cake is granted through the starter quest for the Anniversary Jubilee.
You will be given a short quest that requires you to obtain three ingredients -- flour, bananas, and honey.
Turning in the quest grants you the new year's cake as a Tool to obtain tickets.
You only need to perform this quest on one character. All of your other characters can access the cake after it has been claimed.
★ Why Obtain a Jubilee Cake?
Eating a slice of Jubilee Cake grants you three event tickets to your account each day you consume it. You cannot receive more than three tickets per day.
Previously, eating the cake also awarded a 100% XP bonus that lasted for two hours. This is now a Passive Bonus.
The Jubilee Cake can be used as a furnishing inside an in-game house you own (see directly below).
★ How Do I Use a Cake as a Furnishing?
You may have noticed that the anniversary cakes are not given to you automatically as furnishings. The Impressario will let you purchase a cake as a furnishing for 3 Tickets Each. The caveat is that you must have claimed the cake during that year to be able to purchase it.
For example, if I did not claim the cake back in 2018 I will not be able to purchase it as a furnishing from the Impressario.
New in 2024! Furniture items for the individual slices of cake representing each of the major cake visual styles can be purchased for 1 Ticket each. Unlike the entire cake, however, you do not need to have claimed a cake for that year in order to purchase a Slice from the Impressario.
What do the current and past years' whole cakes look like? Check them out!
![Anniversary Cakes 2016, 2017](images/cakes1617.jpg)
![Anniversary Cakes 2018, 2019, 2020](images/cakes181920.jpg)
![Anniversary Cakes 2021, 2022, 2023](images/cakes212223.jpg)
![Anniversary Cakes 2024](images/cakes24.jpg)
What do the current and past years' cake slices look like? Check them out!
![Anniversary Cake Slices 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020](images/cakeSlice1617181920.jpg)
![Anniversary Cake Slices 2021, 2022, 2023](images/cakeSlice212223.jpg)
![Anniversary Cake Slice 2024](images/cakeSlice24.jpg)
In the past, the Jubilee Cake was needed in order to obtain the event XP bonuses. As of January 2024, this is no longer the case! So what bonuses are offered?
- A passive +100% XP bonus from all sources that stacks on top of Experience Scroll bonuses.
- Dolmen reward chests have a chance to contain a Staff of Worms Replica style page.
- Fishing nodes have an extremely small chance to drop the Trueflame Sword Replica style page. You can fish in any zone to obtain the page.
- Summerset Geyser Troves from killing a Geyser boss have a chance to drop an Ul'vor Staff style page.
- Vvardenfell World Bosses have a chance to drop either Sunna'rah Replica Staff style page or a Barbas Helmet Replica style page.
The first time you complete a Daily Quest on your account you will receive a gold Anniversary Jubilee Gift Box. As usual, the gold box has a higher chance of awarding the good stuff.
These boxes also guarantee a drop for a fragment for the new Jubilee Steed mount. Note that you will need to spend some event tickets on fragments in order to receive the mount.
Subsequent dailies completed on that character or any other character on your account will award a purple Anniversary Jubilee Gift Box with a lowered chance to receive the good stuff.
Every single type of daily in the game is availble to use to receive these boxes. You can even do all of these dailies all over again on other characters for more chances at the boxes! Keep in mind, though, that each character can complete no more than 50 dailies each day.
For the first time, you can receive Gift Boxes for also performing one of the following activities:
- Complete a Daily Quest. You can complete no more than 50 per day per character.
- Complete a Dungeon quest
- Complete a Trial quest
- Complete an Alliance War or Battleground quest (PvP)
- Killing and looting any final Trial boss.
- Killing and looting World Bosses.
- Completing and looting the box from any Incursion event (Dolmens, Geysers, Dragons, etc.).
- Rewards for the Worthy mail (PvP).
- Tales of Tribute reward bags. There is a higher chance to receive one based on the challenge of the opponent or the number of opponents faced during a daily.
You might obtain one of the following rewards in one of these boxes:
- Fragment: Firepot, Front Legs, or Rear Legs [Aurora Firepot Spider (Pet)]
- Fragment: Jubilee Steed [Mount] New!
- Motif Page: All of the Motif Pages are available
- Motif Page: Worm Cult (Only Available During Event)
- Recipe: Random Furniture Recipes
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid armor New!
- Style Page: Abnur Tharn armor and weapons
- Style Page: Bonemold armor
- Style Page: Imperial Champion weapons
- Style Page: Jephrine Paladin armor and weapons
- Style Page: Lyris Titanborn armor and weapons
- Style Page: Prophet armor and weapons
- Style Page: Saberkeel armor
- Style Page: Sai Sahan armor and weapons
- Style and Crafting Materials
- Transmutation Crystals
- Random treasure to be sold to merchants
Special Note Concerning Motif Pages: All Motif Pages have a chance to drop any time you open a box. It does not matter in what zone you are doing a daily. For example, if you go do a Fargrave daily delve you may get a motif page from Clockwork City, Vvardenfell, or anywhere else in the game.
Special Note Concerning Other Style Pages: Many old Style Pages have a chance to drop any time you open a box. It does not matter in what zone you are doing a daily. For example, if you go do a Fargrave daily delve you may get a style page from Imperial City or anywhere else in the game.
Special Note Concerning the Aurora Firepot Spider pet: You will need to pick up the Aurora Firepot Spider Instructions from Philius Dormier, the Impressario's Assistant.
The Impressario will have the following special items available for purchase with tickets:
- Anchor Chain Fragment - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Dark Anchor Pinion - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Effigy of the Dominator - 5 tickets each {Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet}
- Cold Iron Gauntlet - 10 tickets each {Master of Schemes Personality} New!
- Grim Iron Mask - 10 tickets each {Master of Schemes Personality} New!
- Fragment: Jubilee Confetti Pack - 3 tickets each {Jubilee Steed Mount} New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Breeches - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Epaulets - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Gloves - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Hat - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Jerkin - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Sash - 5 tickets each New!
- Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Shoes - 5 tickets each New!
- Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear - 2 tickets each
- Impressario Group Repair Kit - 2 tickets each
- Replica Jubilee Cake 2024 - 3 tickets each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2016-2018 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2019 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2020 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2021 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2022 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2023 - 1 ticket each New!
- Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2024 - 1 ticket each New!
Special Note Concerning the Replica Cake furnishings: You will only be able to purchase a replica cake for a year that you participated in the festival and claimed the cake. If you did not claim the cake in 2019, for example, the 2019 cake will be unavailable to you. Each cake furnishing you purchase will only be available for a single house; if you wish to place the same cake into two houses, you must purchase two Replica cakes. You may purchase as many Replica cakes as you wish, as long as you have available event tickets to purchase them.
Special Note Concerning the Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear: These bags are a chance for you to obtain old items that are no longer available and that you do not have. You may only have one Yesteryear bag in your inventory at a time. Once you use the bag, however, you may purchase another bag if it is available. If you already have everything that the bag offers, you will not have an option to purchase the bag. If you still have a grab bag after claiming all of the rewards it can offer, the bag holds a Group Repair Kit. This is a chance to grab one of the following style or motif pages from previous Jubilee events:
- Worm Cult Motif pages
- Abnur Tharn armor and weapon style pages
- Bonemold armor style pages
- Imperial Champion weapon style pages
- Jephrine Paladin armor and weapon style pages
- Lyris Titanborn armor and weapon style pages
- Prophet armor and weapon style pages
- Saberkeel armor style pages
- Sai Sahan armor and weapon style pages
- Aurora Firepot Spider pet part pages
- Desecrated Grave Soil (a style item for the Worm Cult Motif)
★ Earthbone Ayleid Style New!
![Earthbone Ayleid Style](images/style_EarthboneAyleid.jpg)
★ Worm Cult Motif
![Worm Cult Armor Motif](images/style_WormCultArmor.jpg)
![Worm Cult Weapon Motif](images/style_WormCultWeapon.jpg)
★ Abnur Tharn Armor and Weapon Styles
![Abnur Tharn Armor Style](images/style_AbnurTharnArmor.jpg)
![Abnur Tharn Weapon Style](images/style_AbnurTharnWeapon.jpg)
★ Bonemold Armor Style
![Bonemold Style](images/style_Bonemold.jpg)
★ Imperial Champion Weapon Style
![Imperial Champion Style](images/style_ImperialChampion.jpg)
★ Jephrine Paladin Armor and Weapon Styles
![Jephrine Paladin Armor Style](images/style_JephrinePaladinArmor.jpg)
![Jephrine Paladin Weapon Style](images/style_JephrinePaladinWeapon.jpg)
★ Lyris Titanborn Armor and Weapon Styles
![Lyris Titanborn Armor Style](images/style_LyrisTitanbornArmor.jpg)
![Lyris Titanborn Weapon Style](images/style_LyrisTitanbornWeapon.jpg)
★ Prophet Armor and Weapon Styles
![Prophet Armor Style](images/style_ProphetArmor.jpg)
![Prophet Weapon Style](images/style_ProphetWeapon.jpg)
★ Saberkeel Armor Style
![Saberkeel Armor Style](images/style_Saberkeel.jpg)
★ Sai Sahan Armor and Weapon Styles
![Sai Sahan Armor Style](images/style_SaiSahanArmor.jpg)
![Sai Sahan Weapon Style](images/style_SaiSahanWeapon.jpg)
★ Aurora Firepot Spider Pet
![Aurora Firepot Spider pet](images/pet_AuroraFirepot.jpg)
★ Jubilee Steed Mount New!
Important: You will need to spend some event tickets on fragments in order to receive the mount. To complete the mount requires 25 Jubilee Confetti Pack fragments found in golden Jubilee Gift Boxes or purchased at the Impressario for three tickets each.
![Jubilee Steed mount](images/mount_JubileeSteed.jpg)
Introducing Nenulaure, the brand new Indrik Vendor! Located at the festival tents area in Belkarth, Craglorn, Nenulaure is here to help you obtain those Indrik Mounts and Pets.
This vendor will only appear during Events when the Impressario is in town.
Past fragments and berries required to obtain those Mounts, as well as past Indrik pets, will be on offer in a seasonal cycle. Here is how that will work:
- During the Spring, all berries for the Dawnwood and Spectral Indriks are on offer.
- During the Spring, the Springtide Indrik pet and Haunting Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Summer, all berries for the Luminous and Icebreath Indriks are on offer.
- During the Summer, the Shimmering Indrik pet and Rimedusk Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, all berries for the Onyx and Mossheart Indriks are on offer.
- During the Fall, before the Witches Festival, the Ebon-Glow Indrik pet and Sapling Indrik pet are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, all berries for the Pure Snow and Crimson Indriks are on offer.
- During the Winter, after the Witches Festival and through to the end of the year, the Frost-Light Indrik pet and Rosethorn Indrik pet are on offer.
All berries and pets available will cost 10 tickets each.
Nascent Indrik Feathers will always be available through her, no matter the season, for 5 tickets each.
Unlike in the past, there will not be an offering of all Indriks during the New Life Festival.
If you miss all of the berries you need, fear not, for the vendor will be around again the following year.
![Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet](images/pet_MolagBalIllusionImp.jpg)
The Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet is the very first new special item added in 2024 via the Impressario during events.
To obtain one, you have to purchase a total of three fragments from the Impressario for five tickets each.
- Anchor Chain Fragment
- Dark Anchor Pinion
- Effigy of the Dominator
Once you have all of them purchased, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.
If you wish to retain the pet as well as obtain one of the morphs from it, you will need to complete one of these pets again. Each time you create a new morph, you will use one of these pets as part of the process.
This personality is the second morph of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet of 2024. You will need the following pieces to create this morph:
- A completed Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet
- Cold Iron Gauntlet [NEW!]
- Grim Iron Mask [NEW!]
- Tyrant's Soul Gem [Not Yet Available]
To obtain the three Master of Schemes personality fragments, you need to purchase the appropriate items from the Impressario for 10 tickets each when they become available and combine them.
To combine them, open your Collections menu and navigate down on the left side to the Fragments menu. Click the name of the item you are looking for to see what fragments are required. Right-click on one of the fragment pieces and left-click on Combine to make them whole.