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Daily Quest Offerings in Southern Elsweyr
Updated February 12, 2024
Quick Index:
- Unlocking Southern Elsweyr Daily Quests
- Southern Elsweyr Delve Daily Quests
- Southern Elsweyr Dragon Hunt Daily Quests
- Southern Elsweyr New Moon Daily Quests
- Southern Elsweyr World Boss Daily Quests
For any of this content, you need to have a level 7 character and access to the land through the Dragonhold DLC.
You need not unlock the Southern Elsweyr delve and world boss dailies.
For the Dragon and New Moon dailies, you must unlock them. Doing so requires two things:
- Complete the first Southern Elsweyr zone quest, The Dragon's Lair. This quest is given by Sai Sahan at the Senchal Wayshrine in Senchal.
- Complete the second Southern Elsweyr zone quest, Reformation. This is given by Sai Sahan inside the Dragonhold Sanctum.
The Dragon and New Moon daily quests should now be unlocked.
★ Southern Elsweyr Delve Daily Quests
These quests are given by Guybert Flaubert in Senchel:
- [1] An Answer in Blood: Collect blood samples in Moonlit Cove delve.
- [1] Lilies for Remembrance: Plant lillies in Moonlit Cove delve.
- [1] Moonlit Mushrooms: Gather mushrooms in Moonlit Cove delve.
- [2] Solace by Candlelight: Place candles in the Forsaken Citadel delve.
- [2] Sourcing the Ensorcelled: Obtain ensorcelled swords in the Forsaken Citadel delve.
- [2] Tomes of the Tsaesci: Obtain sealed Akaviri tomes in the Forsaken Citadel delve.
The Shield of Senchal Motif has a chance to drop from Delve Daily Senchal Reward Chests in Southern Elsweyr.
★ Southern Elsweyr Dragon Hunt Daily Quests
These quests are given by Chizbari the Chipper in the Tideholm Dragonguard Sanctum. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them:
- The Dragonguard's Quarry: Kill three dragons in Southern Elsweyr.
The Dragonguard Motif has a chance to drop from Dragon Hunt Daily Dragonguard Supply Cache reward boxes in Southern Elsweyr.
★ Southern Elsweyr New Moon Dailies
These quests are given by Dirge Truptor in the Dragonguard Sanctum of Tideholm. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them:
- Digging Up the Garden: Go to Deshaan to search for relics in The Corpse Garden delve.
- File Under D: Go to Grahtwood to locate scrolls in the Reliquary of Stars delve.
- A Lonely Grave: Go to Stormhaven to find an unmarked grave inside Windridge Cave.
- Rude Awakening: Go to the Supernal Dreamers Camp in Stormhaven to kill a New Moon recruiter and obtain documents.
- Sticks and Bones: Enter Barrowbough in the Bone Orchard of Grahtwood to kill the New Moon ambassador and obtain documents.
- Taking Them to Tusk: Go to Malak's Maw in southwestern Deshaan to kill a New Moon courier and obtain documents.
The Dragonguard Motif has a chance to drop from New Moon Daily Dragonguard Supply Cache reward boxes in Southern Elsweyr.
★ Southern Elsweyr World Boss Dailies
These quests are given by Bruccius Baenius in Senchel:
- [A] Dust Smote: Kill Iratan the Lightbringer and gather temple dust at Shrine of the Reforged.
- [A] Fletching Fetching: Kill Iratan the Lightbringer and obtain arrows at Shrine of the Reforged.
- [B] Goutfang Pariah: Kill Ri'Atahrashi and obtain scrolls at Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground.
- [B] Helping the Healers: Kill Ri'Atahrashi and gather springmint at Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground.
- [B] A Rogue and His Rice: Kill Ri'Atahrashi and obtain rice sacks at Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground.
- [A] Scholarly Observations: Kill Iratan the Lightbringer and gather notes at Shrine of the Reforged.
The Shield of Senchal Motif has a chance to drop from World Boss Daily Senchal Reward Chests in Southern Elsweyr.
★ Map of Quest Giver Locations
![Map of Senchal Quest Giver Locations](images/questMaps/southElsweyrSenchalPickup.jpg)
![Map of Dragonhold Sanctum Quest Giver Locations](images/questMaps/southElsweyrDragonPickup.jpg)
★ Map of Delve and World Boss Locations
![Map of Delve and World Boss Locations](images/questMaps/southElsweyrQuests.jpg)
★ Dragonguard Motif
The Dragonguard Motif has a chance to drop from Dragon Hunt Daily or New Moon Daily Dragonguard Supply Cache reward boxes in Southern Elsweyr:
★ Shield of Senchal Motif
The Shield of Senchal Motif has a chance to drop from Delve Daily or World Boss Daily Senchal Reward Chests in Southern Elsweyr: