All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daily Quest Offerings in Shadowfen for the Cyrodilic Collections

Updated June 16, 2024


  1. Complete the Ruthless Competition quest. To find it, go to either the Daggerfall Wayshrine in Daggerfall (Glenumbra), the Vulkhel Guard Wayshrine in Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), or the Davon's Watch Wayshrine in Davon's Watch (Stonefalls). Speak with Concordia Mercius, who is standing beside the wayshrine, to retrieve the quest.

  2. Complete the The Cursed Skull quest, given by Concordia Mercius just north of the Stormhold, Shadowfen wayshrine. If you do not get a prompt to turn the First Ritual Cylinder in the Ritual Chamber after you kill the zombies, exit the chamber itself (not Norg-Tzel Xanmeer) and re-enter.

The completion of the second quest unlocks the dailies in Stormhold, Shadowfen immediately.


These quests are given by Jee-Lar to the north of Stormhold Wayshrine in northern Shadowfen. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do them:

  • Anti-Venom Agitation: Go to Grahtwood and gather spider venom sacks in The Scuttle Pit delve, gloom morel southwest of Gil-Var-Delle, and barbleberry juice from the southwest shore of Grahtwood.

  • Bug Off!: Go to Stonefalls to find superior dreugh wax by killing dreughs, and collect ash basil leaves.

  • Reeling in Recruits: Post handbills and dance in a costume at the Flaming Nix in Mournhold, the Salted Wings in Vulkhel Guard, and the Screaming mermaid in Stros M'Kai. The costume is provided for you.

  • Salty Meats: Obtain mammoth steaks by killing mammoths in The Rift.

  • A Taste for Toxins: Kill assassin beetles to obtain their venom sacks for Arlowe Viducia in Alik'r Desert. Use the sacks at Ogre's Bluff to the far southeast of Alik'r to obtain a Copper-Tongued Skink.

  • The Winds of Kyne: Go to Priestess Hodyette's camp in southwestern Eastmarch, located west of the Frigid Grotto delve. She sends you to the east of Windhelm to do some quick shouting for her.

Completing one of these quests gives a Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense box, which has a chance to contain a Swamp Jelly pet fragment.

Map of Quest Giver Locations

Map of Quest Giver Locations


Swamp Jelly Pet

When you open a Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense box (from completing Cyrodilic Collections Daily Quests), you have a chance to recieve one fragment of the Swamp Jelly pet.

These fragments are not curated, meaning that you may receive a fragment you have already collected.

Once you have received all seven of these fragments, and they are all within your inventory, use one of the fragments to combine them. This will create a Runebox: Swamp Jelly. You may use this runebox to add the Swamp Jelly pet to your collections. Alternatively, give it away or sell it off if you must.

The seven fragments required to complete a Swamp Jelly pet are:

  • Swamp Jelly Carrying Jar

  • Swamp Jelly Fine-Mesh Net

  • Swamp Jelly Hunter's Lens

  • Swamp Jelly Luminous Fishmeal

  • Swamp Jelly Luring Flute

  • Swamp Jelly Moss Bedding

  • Swamp Jelly Spawning Mud