All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daily Quest Offerings for the Mages Guild

Updated February 12, 2024


To unlock the Mages Guild dailies, your character must be level 7 as of Update 39.

First go to your primary Alliance starter city and enter the Mages Guild building there. Speak with one of the following:

  • Daggerfall Covenant: Daggerfall, Glenumbra. Speak with Nemarc to receive and complete the quest called Nemarc's Invitation.

  • Aldmeri Dominion: Vulkhel Guard, Auridon. Speak with Curinure to receive and complete the quest called Curinure's Invitation.

  • Ebonheart Pact: Davon's Watch, Stonefalls. Speak with Rudrasa to receive and complete the quest called Rudrasa's Invitation.

This will unlock the Mages Guild skill line. The Mages Guild dailies are also now unlocked.


These quests are given by Alvur Baren in either the Deshaan (Mournhold), Grahtwood (Elden Root), or Stormhaven (Wayrest) Mages Guild. You are not required to go to your Alliance capital city in order to pick up one of these quests; any of these three locations will do.

If you travel to Grahtwood, the Mages Guild is not marked on the map. You will need to enter the corridor on the northwest side of the Ground Floor of Elden Root to find the door to the Upper Floor. Enter the Upper Floor and walk into the main chamber. Travel up the ramp on the eastern side of the chamber to find a door to the Mages Guild.

You may receive one of the following quests. You must Unlock These Daily Quests before you can do these:

  • Madness in Alik'r Desert: Go to Alik'r Desert and retrieve the longsleeves from the Mad God's Coffer in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu public dungeon.

  • Madness in Auridon: Go to Auridon and retrieve an embittering muzzle from the mad God's Coffer in the Toothmaul Gully public dungeon.

  • Madness in Bangkorai: Go to Bangkorai and retrieve some earplugs from the Mad God's Coffer in the Razak's Wheel public dungeon.

  • Madness in Deshaan: Go to Deshaan and retrieve a cheese knife from the Mad God's Coffer in the Forgotten Crypts public dungeon.

  • Madness in Eastmarch: Go to Eastmarch and retrieve The About Face from the Mad God's Coffer in the Hall of the Dead public dungeon.

  • Madness in Grahtwood: Go to Grahtwood and retrieve the Big Sister, Little Brother skull from the Mad God's Coffer in the Root Sunder Ruins public dungeon.

  • Madness in Greenshade: Go to Greenshade and retrieve the Wabbajerky from the Mad God's Coffer in the Rulanyil's Fall public dungeon.

  • Madness in Glenumbra: Go to Glenumbra and retrieve the Discordant Fiddle from the Mad God's Coffer in the Bad Man's Hallows public dungeon.

  • Madness in Malabal Tor: Go to Malabal Tor and retrieve the Lucid Liquor from the Mad God's Coffer in the Crimson Cove public dungeon.

  • Madness in Reaper's March: Go to Reaper's March and retrieve a Ravenous Rodent from the Mad God's Coffer in the Vile Manse public dungeon.

  • Madness in the Rift: Go to The Rift and retrieve a chalice from the Mad God's Coffer in the Lion's Den public dungeon.

  • Madness in Rivenspire: Go to Rivenspire and retrieve the Mad God's Lost Button from the Mad God's Coffer in the Obsidian Scar public dungeon.

  • Madness in Shadowfen: Go to Shadowfen and retrieve The Eidar Scrolls: The Merethic Cheeses, Vol 2 from the Mad God's Coffer in the Sanguine's Demesne public dungeon.

  • Madness in Stonefalls: Go to Stonefalls and retrieve The Nightlight from the Mad God's Coffer in the Crow's Wood public dungeon.

  • Madness in Stormhaven: Go to Stormhaven and retrieve spectacles from the Mad God's Coffer in the Bonesnap Ruins public dungeon.

The Draugr Motif has a chance to drop from Mages Guild Daily quest reward boxes called Mages Guild Merits.



The Draugr Motif has a chance to drop from Mages Guild Daily quest reward boxes called Mages Guild Merits:

Draugr Armor Motif

Draugr Weapons Motif