All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daily Quest Offerings in High Isle

Updated February 12, 2024


Unlocking Delve, Volcanic Vent, and World Boss Daily Quests:

The only requirements to accessing the delve, volcanic vent, and world boss dailies for High Isle is to have a level 7 character (as of Update 39) and access to the area via the High Isle DLC.

Unlocking Tales of Tribute Daily Quests:

If you have never done any of the Tales of Tribute quests on any character of your account:

  1. Complete the quest called Tales of Tribute. To find it, go to Gonfalon Bay, High Isle and head southeast toward the Gonfalon Gaming Hall on the island. When you reach the large bridge that takes you to the island you will encounter a flier on its wooden post on the city side of the bridge. It will give you a more in-depth tutortial on how to play the game and the basics of what you need to know. You are given membership in the Roister Club during the quest, which allows you to play NPCs and other players in Tales of Tribute.

  2. Alternatively, once your character reaches level 6 you can speak to Sorrine Gaerard (found in all major cities) to start the Tales of Tribute quest.

  3. Complete the A New Venture quest, which is given by Master Razmahad inside the Gonfalon Gaming Hall in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle. If you do not accept this quest right away, you may return later or find Sorrine Gaerard in several (but not all) of the major cities, including:

    • Alinor, Summerset (on the road in front of the hedges just southwest of The Golden Gryphon)

    • Daggerfall, Glenumbra (at the junction of a bridge and road just northeast of Daggerfall Market)

    • Davon's Watch, Stonefalls (on the road in front of the Blacksmithing station)

    • Leyawiin, Blackwood (beside the road northeast of The Great Chapel of Zenithar)

    • Solitude, Western Skyrim (on the road just south of the Solitude Wayshrine)

    • Vivec City, Vvardenfell (south of the Equipment Crafting Writs board, at the docks behind the bank)

    • Vulkhel Guard, Auridon (on the road just east of the Consumables Crafting Writs board)

  4. Your Tales of Tribute daily quests are now unlocked.

If you have completed the Tales of Tribute quests on another character of your account:

  1. Complete the quest called Tales of Tribute. This is an abbreviated version of the original quest and does not include a full tutorial. One way to obtain it is to speak with Brahgas outside of the Gonfalon Gaming Hall in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle. The other way to obtain it is to speak with Sorrine Gaerard once your character is level 6. She is found in several (but not all) of the major cities, including:

    • Alinor, Summerset (on the road in front of the hedges just southwest of The Golden Gryphon)

    • Daggerfall, Glenumbra (at the junction of a bridge and road just northeast of Daggerfall Market)

    • Davon's Watch, Stonefalls (on the road in front of the Blacksmithing station)

    • Leyawiin, Blackwood (beside the road northeast of The Great Chapel of Zenithar)

    • Solitude, Western Skyrim (on the road just south of the Solitude Wayshrine)

    • Vivec City, Vvardenfell (south of the Equipment Crafting Writs board, at the docks behind the bank)

    • Vulkhel Guard, Auridon (on the road just east of the Consumables Crafting Writs board)

  2. Complete the A New Venture quest, which is given by Master Razmahad inside the Gonfalon Gaming Hall in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle.

  3. Your Tales of Tribute daily quests are now unlocked.


High Isle Delve Daily Quests:

These quests are given by Wayllod in Gonfalon Bay:

  1. Arcane Research: Sprinkle reagents in The Firepot delve on High Isle.

  2. Druidic Research: Gather ritual components in the Coral Cliffs delve on Amenos.

  3. A Final Peace: Gather knight's skulls in the Death's Valor Keep delve on High Isle.

  4. Pirate Problems: Burn Alliance uniforms in the Shipwreck Shoals delve on Amenos.

  5. Prison Problems: Look for prisoners in the Whalefall delve on Amenos.

  6. Seek and Destroy: Destroy supplies in the Breakwater Cave delve on High Isle.

High Isle Reward Coffers from Delve Daily quests have a chance to give you a structural High Isle Recipe.

High Isle Reward Coffers from Delve Daily quests have a chance to give you a Systres Guardian Motif.

High Isle Tales of Tribute Daily Quests:

This quests is given by Kishka inside the Gonfalon Gaming Hall (ground floor) in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle and allows you to play only NPCs in Tales of Tribute games. Be certain to Unlock These Daily Quests before attempting to obtain them.:

  • Cards Across the Continent: Play an NPC in three different named locations of Nirn. You may turn the quest in after the first, second, or third game, but the more games you play, the bigger the reward.

This quest is given by Marunji inside the Gonfalon Gaming Hall (ground floor) in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle and requires you to play a Tales of Tribute matched game:

  • Dueling Tributes: Use the Tales of Tribute group finder tool to play a Ranked Competitive game of Tales of Tribute against another player. Other games will not count toward this daily.

High Isle Volcanic Vent Daily Quests:

These quests are given by Druid Peeska in Gonfalon Bay:

  • [7] Venting the Threat: Destroy a volcanic vent on either High Isle or Amenos.

High Isle World Boss Daily Quests:

These quests are given by Parisse Plouff in Gonfalon Bay:

  1. Ascendant Shadows: Kill the Ascendant Harrow and Ascendant Executioner at Dark Stone Hollow on High Isle.

  2. Avarice of the Eldertide: Kill Rosara the Theurge and Skerard the Theurge at Amenos Basin on Amenos.

  3. The Sable Knight: Kill the Sable Knight at Y'ffre's Cauldron on High Isle.

  4. The Serpent Caller: Kill Serpent Caller Vinsha at Serpent Bog on High Isle.

  5. A Special Reagent: Kill Hadolid Matron at Mornard Falls on Amenos.

  6. Wildhorn's Wrath: Kill Glemyos Wildhorn at Faun Falls on High Isle.

High Isle Reward Coffers from World Boss Daily quests have a chance to give you a structural High Isle Recipe.

High Isle Reward Coffers from World Boss Daily quests have a chance to give you a Steadfast Society Motif.

Map of Quest Giver Locations

Map of Quest Giver Locations

Map of Delve, Volcanic Vent, and World Boss Locations

Map of Delve and Volcanic Vent and World Boss Locations


The Steadfast Society Motif has a chance to drop from World Boss Daily Reward Coffers in High Isle:

Steadfast Society Armor Motif

Steadfast Society Weapons Motif

The Systres Guardian Motif has a chance to drop from Delve Daily Reward Coffers in High Isle:

Systres Guardian Armor Motif

Systres Guardian Weapons Motif


The following structural recipes have a chance to drop from Delve Daily and World Boss Daily Reward Coffers in High Isle:

High Isle Archway, Carved High Isle Door, Sturdy High Isle Door, Turquoise High Isle Doorway, Half-Timber High Isle Doorway, Plaster High Isle Pillar, Ornate High Isle Platform, Tilework (Front) High Isle Platform, Tilework (Back) High Isle Platform, Wooden Rectangle High Isle Platform, Wooden Square (Front) High Isle Platform, Wooden Square (Back) High Isle Railing, Carved High Isle Railing Post, Carved High Isle Stairway, Large Castle High Isle Stairway, Tilework (Front) High Isle Stairway, Tilework (Side) High Isle Turret, Conical Castle High Isle Walkway, Balcony High Isle Walkway, Curved Castle High Isle Walkway, Straight Castle High Isle Wall, Half-Timber High Isle Wall, Thin Castle High Isle Window, Turquoise