All Things Elder Scrolls Online

Daily Quest Offerings in Craglorn

Updated February 12, 2024


You do not need to unlock the dailies in Craglorn to be able to access them.

The only thing you need is access to the base game and a character that is level 10 and not squishy.

Perhaps even a partner to go with you, as all of these quests are considered to be 'group' quests and are completed in group areas.


Unlike most other daily quests, you may pick up every single one of these quests once a day per character.

Additionally, the quest givers are scattered throughout Craglorn rather than centralized in one or two areas.

The Yokudan Motif has a chance to drop from Daily Coffers of Distinction / Merit / Humility in Craglorn.

Quests Awarding a Purple Yokudan Coffer of Distinction:

  • [1] The Fallen City of Shada: This quest is given by Greban outside of Shada's Tear. To enter the City Wing, solve the puzzle. To solve the puzzle, set the three prayer wheels by the door facing you in this order, from left to right: Necklace, Serpent, Dragon. Enter the wing and kill Jah'la to cleanse the waters. Next, go into the Crypt Wing and kill Emi'liah to cleanse its waters. When you encounter the poison cloud in the hallway, make sure that you stay between the clouds or you will die. Once the waters are clear, enter the Hall of Worship and kill Shada.

  • [2] The Gray Passage: Open the book on the upper balcony of the Caravan Company Depot building in the town of Dragonstar to accept this quest. Once you read the initial tome, you have two hours to enter the following delves and read tomes: Fearfangs Cavern delve, Serpent's Nest delve, Loth'Na Caverns delve, Ilthag's Undertower delve, The Howling Sepulchers delve, and Exarch's Stronghold delve.

  • [3] Souls of the Betrayed: This quest is given by Crusader Dalamar outside of Skyreach Catacombs. Enter the catacombs and kill the Gravelord and Fallen Kings (The Sun King, The Storm King, The Flame King, The Forest King, The Blood King, The Spirit King, The Shadow King, The Frost King, and High King Durac). Then head into the Lower Catacombs and kill Virmaril the Betrayer in the Seat of the Betrayer.

Quests Awarding a Blue Yokudan Coffer of Merit:

  • [4] The Blood of Nirn: This quest is given by Nendirume east of Skyreach wayshrine. Enter Skyreach Hold and kill Exarch Arnoth.

  • [5] Critical Mass: This quest is given by Sara Benele, who is located at one of three locations surrounding Spellscar (northeast of Spellscar Wayshrine, northeast of Hircine's Haunt delve, or northwest of Mountain Overlook wayshrine). You must visit one flame, one frost, and one storm obelisk each, killing the mobs next to it. If the obelisk is not lit up with a long jagged crack on each side that shines with colored light, the mobs you need to kill will not be there. When they do spawn, they will be close to the obelisk. Once the mobs are dead, rub your chest up against the obelisk and Activate the shard to receive what you need. The Hints under the quest objectives at the top right of your screen will inform you if you have collected a shard, and which ones you have collected. Head back to Sara, activate the shards, and enter the portal to Mage's Staff. Move through the entire area and kill all enemies within as you protect Sara. Note: If inside Mage's Staff you do not have a purple pathway, or later, floating stone bridges to take you to the next floating rock, it is because you have not killed all of the enemies necessary to spawn it; you cannot skip mobs in this area.

  • [6] Iron and Scales: This quest is given by Lashburr Tooth-Breaker northwest of the Valley of Scars wayshrine. Burn the three marked standards to finish off this quest. You will need to head directly northeast from Lashburr to the stream, under the ropes over the stream, and through the wooden gate. Once you have burned the standards, head into the Exarch's Stronghold delve and kill Agganor to take his helmet. Leave the dungeon and mount the ritual pike in the indicated location nearby to finish off this quest.

  • [1] The Reason We Fight: This quest is given by Nhalan in the Crypt Wing of Shada's Tear. You will need to pick this quest up while doing the The Fallen City of Shada quest. Head through the wing and watch the visions to find and murder Zal'ik. When you encounter the poison cloud in the hallway, make sure that you stay between the clouds or you will die.

  • [7] The Seeker's Archive: This quest is given by Ibrula west of the Anka-Ra's Mettle world boss location. Activate the beams to open the Seeker's Archive building. Go to the Hermaeus Mora shrine to finish off the quest and receive a reward.

  • [8] Supreme Power: This quest is given by Fights-With-Tail, who is located along the road southeast of Elinhir Wayshrine. You must find Minerva Lauzon in the Elinhir Sewerworks. After speaking to her, exit the Sewerworks. Destroy the two Tower Focus points then kill Arch-Mage Yamanu-ko.

  • [9] The Trials of Rahni'Za: This quest is given by Fada at-Glina north of Rahni'Za, School of Warriors. Head to a marked Tomb of the Flame-Bearer and kill its protective gargoyle so that you can summon its spirit. Head to one of the braziers and the spirit will light the brazier once you activate it. Do this twice more. Finally, kill Kalith, the Champion of the Trial of Fire. Once completed, head into the School of Warriors to speak with Zabeth and learn about the Trial of Air, Trial of Martial Knowlege, and Trial of the Arena you must complete. Your quest journal will give you hints on how to complete these.

  • [10] Uncaged: This quest is given by Mederic Vyger outside of the Skyreach Pinnacle delve. Enter Skyreach Pinnacle and clear out the mobs. Kill the Awakened Prisoners then Aetherion to finish off the quest.

  • [1] Waters Run Afoul: Given by Ralai inside of Shada's Tear. You will need to pick up this quest while doing the The Fallen City of Shada quest. She wants you to find Nahlia by solving a puzzle. Set the three prayer wheels by the door facing you in this order, from left to right: Necklace, Serpent, Dragon. Head inside the wing to kill Klause, Squan, and Zifri. To free Nahlia, simply match the final prayer wheels, from left to right, to the images in the column in front of each one.

Quests Awarding a Green Yokudan Coffer of Humility:

  • [11] Taken Alive: This quest is given by Scattered Leaves at the road northeast of the Valley of Scars wayshrine. Head northwest to the stream. When you see a wooden bridge on your left and stone ruins on your right, follow the stream under the ropes and through the wooden gate. When you reach Gulzog the Butcher, kill him and Ripgut. Search the Remains pile afterward to find your evidence.

  • [12] The Truer Fangs: This quest is given by Safa al-Satakalaam in the town of Dragonstar at the Caravan Company Depot building. Go kill her three former acolytes, Raziyya, Anyaq, and Mazaluhad. They will not be inside of any delve, but instead out in the open sky of Craglorn.

Maps of Quest Giver Locations

Craglorn Map of Quest Giver Locations
Dragonstar Map of Quest Giver Locations
Belkarth Map of Quest Giver Locations


The Yokudan Motif has a chance to drop from Daily Coffers of Distinction / Merit / Humility in Craglorn:

Yokudan Armor Motif

Yokudan Weapons Motif